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"I just want to talk to you, why are you avoiding me? Did your girlfriend forbid you to talk to me?"

"No Mina, I made the decision to avoid you, I don't want to give her a reason to be jealous. And I know, that you know why i should avoid you. " I said  as I ignored her and continued walking.

"I will tell your girlfriend that you made a  bet  that's why you dated her." I stopped walking and held her  arm.

"I finished that bet a long time ago." I responded angrily as I tighten my grip on her hands.

"The fact that we bet on her still cannot be changed." she said casually.

"What do you want me to do ,to make you stop me, huh?" I whispered angrily to her, I saw that she was smirking.

" just  sex, I promise I won't disturb your relationship with her anymore."

I laughed sarcastically and violently let go of her arm. "Just dream , Mina I'd rather choose Jennie to be angry with me because of our bet ,than her hating me because I cheated on her." I said boldly while turning away from her but I was surprised to see Rosie confused while looking at me.

I pulled her away from Mina and we stopped on one of the  bench inside the campus.

" what kind of bet is that woman talking about ? " she asked me with her arms crossed

I caressed the bridge of my nose in frustration. "I made a bet with her before that I had to be Jennie's girlfriend but........ ouch, why are you hitting me so hard. " I screamed in pain because she suddenly hit me on the arm.

"Why ? are you complaining? That's not enough for your stupidity. All this time you're just fooling Jennie because of your bet." she said angrily before pulling my hair.

" ouchh!!!! let me explain first." I shouted. She let go of my hair and she raised her eyebrow at me."You're a sadist." I added while fixing my hair.

"Give me a valid reason, lisa. Because if you don't convince me of your reason? I will take revenge for Jennie, I will shave your bangs." she said seriously.

"I don't deny that what I did was wrong. I made a bet but I immediately stop it because I fell in love with Jennie. Everything I showed and made her feel was genuine. I love so much , calm you're ass down.!"

" and why are you still talking to that woman ? ." she asked.

"She blackmailed me,  if I didn't have sex with her, she would tell Jennie about the bet."

" oh God, please tell me you don't agree with that stupidity."

"of course not, I love jennie. and I will never cheat on her." I replied confidently.

"Good, that's the best decision you've made. But you should explain everything to Jennie. I know she'll understand," said Rosie.

"I know!!! I'm just looking for the right opportunity to tell her the truth."

"You better do it as soon as possible before you get ahead of that witch girl and Jennie will misinterpret the situation." she replied.

Rosie and I cut off our conversation when my phone suddenly rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and smiled when I saw Jennie's name.

baby!!!!! why did you get called? I'm on my way to your class room. Rosie is with me.

hi babe!!  I called to tell you that I'm on my way home, mom sent the driver to pick me up, I don't know why.

Ohh ok, take care babe!! Just call me  if there's a problem. I love you

I love you too babe!! I miss you already. Can I use the loudspeaker? I want to talk to Rosie.

I pressed the loudspeaker and put my phone near to Rosie.

hi Rosie posie Please bring my girlfriend home with you. I rolled my eyes.

don't worry Mandu, I'll make sure no chick here can get close to your girlfriend.

they both giggled.

thanks rosie bye, you two be careful. I love you babe see you tomorrow, I will also call you later.

i love you more i miss you I replied before I hung up.

When we got to our apartment, I immediately threw myself on the couch while Rosie put her things in her room and immediately returned to the living room.

"What do you want for dinner? Don't cook, just order and I'll pay." I said hunched over on the couch.

"It's really different when you're with the right person. I remember before you met jennie , your mom just give your allowance, the next day you'd owe me money. Now it's the end of the month, you still have a lot huh. Impressive!"

I sat properly while smiling. "I don't know, whenever Jennie and I date, she doesn't want me to be the only one to spend money. She wants us to split what we pay at the restaurant." I said in confuse.

"You know what Lisa?  if I were you, you would protect your relationship with Jennie. The first time I saw her, I felt that she would be good for you. And look at yourself now, you look way more better than before." she said smiling.

"I know!! I'm lucky to have her as my girlfriend. I know it's too early to say this but , I can really see my future with her." I said proudly.

"Wow, I will support you Lisa. And I told you when you hurt my Mandu, forget that you are my best friend." she threatened me. I squeezed her nose.
" Yes ma'am . And let me correct you she's not your Mandu,  she's mine. " I said cheerfully and salute and she immediately giggled.

"By the way, what is the business of jennie's family again.?" she asked.

" they have a small jewelry shop." my answer .

" that's it? "

"yup, I've been there once. why do you ask?"

"Nothing, I just noticed that even though Jennie is just a simple girl, all of her things are expensive and one time I saw her being driven by an expensive car. And I don't think they just live a simple life."

"I also sometimes notice in her behavior that she seems to be different. According to her  she belongs to the middle class lifestyle but, when we celebrated our 6 monthsary. We ate at a high class restaurant and I noticed that she seemed to be used to be in that kind of place. Those who taught us on how to behave in that kind of place seem normal to her." I explain.

"Do you think she's like us? I mean , that they also have a big business like our parents have?" she asked.

"They live a simple life, she introduced me to her mom as a friend. She bring me to their house and they are really simple. There is no helper and their house seems to be just right for her and her mother."

I don't know but sometimes my girlfriend is mysterious. My thoughts.

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