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"Grandpa can we play with Lisa Eonni?" I heard Elisha ask her grandfather i just pretend that i don't heard what they said.

"it's time for her to go home Lisha." replied Mr. Kim. "but we want to play with her grandpa." Elijah replied.

"ok go!! ask her if she wants to play with you. If she don't want don't insist. Ok? " Mr. Kim said to them.

They ran to my table and I smiled as they both pouted.
"can you play with us, please." I smiled at them. To be honest, my body is tired and I want to rest but I can't say no these cute kids  so I just nodded.

"yeyyyy, come come I want you to be my  barbie." I giggled at Elisha's words. "No, I want her to be my mom." Elija said loudly as they both held my hand I saw Mr. Kim  chuckle at what he heard.

"We only have one Mom Eli and that is mommy RJ."  Elisha snorted. " we're just going to play Isha what I mean is ,she's going to pretend to be my mom." Elijah rolled his eyes.

"Ok, you look like her so she can be your mommy ." I just listened to them as they pulled me towards the couch.

"how about you will pretend to be a boy and be my dad." I was surprised by what Elija said.  "ok, i prefer to be a dad than mom." I responded .

they both looked at me with a smile. "Really?" Elijah asked
"can you be my daddy too eonnie?." Elisha said enthusiastically.

"ok if that's what you want." I replied. I don't know why but I have a soft spot for them.

I lost my tiredness while I was teasing  both of them we end up playing wrestling because Elisha wants to jump behind and ride my back me and Elija is imitating her twin. I chased them inside the office of Mr. Kim until they both fell asleep from being too tired from playing.

I smiled as I looked at them sleeping soundly on the couch.

" you know what . my grandchildren are reserved type of kids . they don't just talk to people that they just met. it often takes a week before they feel comfortable with someone . so I wonder why are they so quick to get comfortable with you." said mr. Kim.

" Maybe because i really love playing with kids sir, they must have felt that." I replied, he smiled at me and patted me on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry that we disturbed your rest time. Tomorrow you can come in late in exchange for your overtime today."

"It's nothing Sir, I enjoyed playing with them. Thanks for the amazing first day of my internship sir. I think i really need to go home ,have a good night sir." he immediately nodded

When I opened the door , I was surprised to see Rosie. "You didn't tell me you were here? Why didn't you join my flight, if you were going here too.?" I ask her, I put my bag on the table and threw myself on the couch.

"I didn't even know we were going here. We flew suddenly because dad forced me to accompany him to the party he was attending next week." she explained while taking the pasta in her mouth.

I no longer wonder how she got in here without me knowing because her parents own this unit I'm staying in now. " where is Rio? Did you bring him with you?" I asked her.

"yup , he's sleeping in the room. He's been waiting for your presence since earlier." she replied. " can i have what you're eating?"

"Get your food at the kitchen, you're not disabled, right?  she said sarcastically as she moved the bowl away from me. "And where did you come from? It's eight o'clock and You just came home? Rio is already asleep while waiting for you." She added.

"You really don't share food!I am your wife, you should serve me." She rolled her eyes. "Don't worry about Rio i'll play with him tomorrow before i go to work, And I didn't know you were here and i enjoy playing with Mr. Kim's grandchildren."

"Oh, I thought you were an intern. I didn't know that you applied as a playmate for the grandchildren of an outstanding businessman," she said jokingly.

"haha, funny." I pinched her nose and kiss her in the forehead before I stood up and went to the room. "Don't dare disturb Rio's sleep if you don't want me to kick your ass, lisa" she shouted.

When I opened the room I saw Rio sleeping soundly. I kissed him on the forehead before I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I showered, I went out of the room to talk to Rosie. I'm not surprised that she hasn't finished eating yet. " how was your first day ?" she asked.

I sit next to her  and put my hand on her shoulder. "I was chosen to be Mr. Kim's personal intern." I proudly said.

"You're just kidding, aren't you?" she asked in shock. I smiled and shook my head.

"OMG, how is he? is he nice?" she asked.

"He's kind, serious when it comes to work but cool to work with. I didn't feel like he was my boss the whole day we were together. He took me with him to his special meetings earlier and I can say that he's a really good businessman."

"dad said, he is great. even dad admires him." he said.

" and I discovered something else. Dad knew that I was going to  Kim's group of companies for my internship and he told me that Mr. Kim was a good man. And I was surprised when Mr. Kim said that my father was his friend when they are in secondary school."

"Oh my!! You're so lucky. I still feel bad that I wasn't included in the batch of interns that were sent here last year." she replied Rosie is a year older than me, so she finished college earlier than me.

I'm really lucky . almost all the batch of interns that I'm with are hoping that they will be chosen as personal interns by Mr. Kim. He is a good mentor that is the complement of the people who passed by him. so I really worked hard to be included in the batch of interns that will sent here.

But i didn't expect that I would be chosen as his personal intern. I will really try hard to be absorbed by the company so that I don't have to apply for a job after I finish college.

If we used to live luxuriously before? now our life is simple. Even though Rosie and I got married, our company continued to sink. It got to the point where my father gave up and sold everything  and he decided just worked in Rosie's family company.

That's how life is, you'll be surprised when you suddenly lose everything.

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