Chapter Fithteen, moving forth, let death be our blade!

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*Three days after last chapter*

3 days have gone by since the incident with the walking nightmare which the devil's dubbed "Knightmare" for it's intimidating size overwhelming strength and bearing a resemblance that of a Knight.

Oryx at the moment was walking through the now rebuild halls of the gremory household, he looked forward and saw his father who had a cast over his arm and also Serafall who's right arm was replaced by an artificial arm.

Turns out the two of them needed longer times to recover, the Darkblade did quiet a number on all the Satan's but the two who got it worst was Sirzechs and Serafall.

Sirzechs ended up taking a direct powerful strike from the DarkBlades sharpened battle readied axe, on top of this that strike contained Arc energy so upon its connection with his being is sent a very powerful electrical charge through his body damaging his organs rupturing blood cells and causing some pretty nasty injuries.

Serafall on the other hand had her right armed removed from her via of the king's personal weapon Willbreaker, a sword made of Helium, was a metal in his Universe which already exuded a very dark presence within the universe, dark enough to corrupt a persons being and twist them into something darker, but since this sword has been used by the king in his unending crusade of slaughter and destruction, the sword has bathed in so much darkness that the essence within its void like edge is strong enough to kill a being just by being close to it.

Quiet frankly it's a miracle she was even able to heal let alone fully recover.

Tho this action of testing the devils has had an unforseen event trigger.

His worm was starting to grow hungrier.

It was desiring more and more death.

Tho this amount needed was only a few hundred more, this was alarming.

If his worm was regaining it's former hunger then there is no telling how much longer he has until it comes back in full force and retakes it's possision as the thing which he must focused on most.

This simply will not do, so he went into the library which his family had and went through some story's until one caught his eye.

"Story of the heros trip through hell and back; By Sam alvaster"

He went through the book and as he did he knew that this was a fictional tell but some parts of it where strangely similar to what his father told him about the realm where apparently Lucifer first resided.

A land of darkness where the condemned souls of the damned where sent to as punishment for there actions within the land of the living, but there was a part that really caught his fantasy.

"In hell the souls there are put through all forms of torture, the essence there is stated in legends to be the purest form of death, as there is infinite of it, do to the trillions of souls rigorously tortured. In hell time moves differently making it to where a soul can be tortured and have it's essence removed hundreds of times in a day before another begings."

A land of death, with so much essence that it is stated to be infinite.

On top of this a realm like this would have to have a center point where all this essence is contained, or else the essence could risk spilling out and potentially cause this flawless machine to break down.

So this all means that if this is true then if he where to clam hells core he could use it as a massive battery to continuously feed his worm the essence it would need in order for it to be filled and satisfied.

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