Chapter six Taken Dynasty part Two

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We fled our dying world and as the god wave consumed the world I could only look on with some semblance of regret.

But again our world was doomed, so this... Was to be expected.

Me and my sisters now orbited the space around fundament and with it out in the vastness of the space which once only severed to house the stars I so wholeheartedly viewed from afair.

But all things couldn't last this quiet forever because be found a new race of beings which colonized one of our many moons of Fundament these being which made home on our planets moons was the first to be slaughtered.

They call themselves the Ammonite, and at the time they where servants of the traveler and it's light.

But it was only during this time that I found how weak I was, I tried to use such things as peace, and negotiation to try and solve this... Battle between light and dark.

And it was here that I paid for my ignorance in blood.

My sister broke a dagger threw my spin, breaking my form, I fell to my knees as her ghostly figure floated next to my being.

I died, but my will defied even death, I awoke in a world surrounded by darkness, there I was granted audience once more with the worm our gods, and it was here that I fell to my knees, gasping for air, with the worm god Yol looked upon me

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I died, but my will defied even death, I awoke in a world surrounded by darkness, there I was granted audience once more with the worm our gods, and it was here that I fell to my knees, gasping for air, with the worm god Yol looked upon me.

I died, but my will defied even death, I awoke in a world surrounded by darkness, there I was granted audience once more with the worm our gods, and it was here that I fell to my knees, gasping for air, with the worm god Yol looked upon me

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"Auryx, you denied the logic at which you swore upon, you tried to use foolish actions instead of the will of the sword against them. You brought death upon yourself for being weak, and this is why you have been slain by your sister, you where to weak to survive.

Our universe gutters down towards cold entropy. Life is an engine that burns up energy and produces decay. Life builds selfish, stupid rules — morality is one of them, and the sanctity of life is another.

These rules are impediments to the great work. The work of building a perfect, undying creation, a civilization everlasting. Something that cannot end.

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