The Byer's

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Belly closed her eyes as she took a long drag from her joint, she exhaled as a trail of smoke left the corner of her lips, she opened her pale brown eyes, which showed no emotion, before getting up and sitting on the edge of her bed

Over the course of last 3 months, Belly did not leave her room at all, she rarely ate, or showered, after what happened at Starcourt mall, the only way she coped up was smoking or snorting, she distanced herself from everyone, even Steve and Martin

Eventually, Martin got to know about what really happened, because of Steve, he felt bad for his daughter, he'd leave food at her door every meal time, and he rarely ever got the dish empty

Belly got up and took a shower, it was hard for her, she didn't want to, but she had to, after getting out she changed her clothes and went downstairs where she saw Martin, she passed him and went straight outside

She walked to the Byer's house, they were moving to California, they've helped her a lot, so she had to meet them and bid their goodbyes, upon reaching there, she saw everyone already there, she made eye contact with Jonathan who waved at her she went towards him as she gave him a hug

"Be safe here alright?" he said pulling away

"You too" she said before walking towards Will who was looking at her as they hugged "I'll miss you, Will" she said breaking the hug

"I'll miss you a lot too" he sobbed, Belly went towards El and hugged her

"Take care, I'll miss you, Eleanor" she said into the hug as El chuckled as she went on and hugged Joyce not saying a word

They all stood back and saw the Byers leave in their car behind a truck, as Belly turned around to walk away she felt a hand on her wrist making her turn around as she did and saw Max, she pulled her hand away

"What?" Belly asked

"Do you wanna go to my place? We can cook? Or just lay down? We can talk about things" Max said with a smile on her face

"How can you pretend everything's fine?" Belly asked without any emotion

"What do you mean?" Max asked with worry in her tone

"It's been 3 months Max, just get it" Belly took a deep breath

"What are you talking about Belly?"

"I regret everything Max, you, me... what we did" Belly stated as Max froze not sure what to do

Belly turned around and walked off leaving Max there alone standing looking at Belly's moving body which was getting further away by the second

Belly, after that didn't go back to her house, it was the first time in months she's ever left her house, she headed towards the graveyard and stood at the door

She didn't feel strong enough to go inside and face Melissa's grave, she after that day didn't accept it for quite some time, but when she finally did, she fell into this, isolated state, she stared at Melissa's grave from a distance as her last words still lingered in Belly's brain


It echoed in her mind until she finally stepped back and took a deep breath going back towards her house

cuz you and i - [Max Mayfield]Where stories live. Discover now