The group followed Dustin who was using his compass to lead the way they ended up in front of lover's lake
"There's a gate in lover's lake?" Max asked
"What else does it look like?" Belly mumbled from beside her making Max roll her eyes
"Whenever the demogorgon attacked, it left an opening. Maybe Vecna is the same way" Nancy estimated
"Yeah only one way to find out" Steve shrugged
"Easy. I said easy man" Steve warned Eddie when the boat splashed the water
"Sorry" he apologized
"Yeab i am just gonna do that" Robin stated getting on with Eddie and Steve's support
"Wheeler" Eddie extended his hand
"Thanks" she said taking it and getting on too
Belly moves towards Lucas and put a hand on his shoulder making him look at her
"Are you okay?" She asked, no matter how jealous he made her, this boy was still one of her closest friends
"Yeah, why" his sentence not really sounding like a question
"Just... stuff" she replied and gave him a tight lipped smile as he replicated the action
"Bedtime at 9:00 kiddos" they heard Robin from the boat which was now getting further away in the lake "Miss you already"
"What are they stopping for?" Max and Belly heard Lucas say, making Dustin talk to them through the walkie
"Let me see" Belly said, Lucas handed her the binoculars and she could see the four on the middle of the lake just as Steve took off his sweatshirt "Ew, Steve's chest got so hairy"
"Right? I keep telling him he needs to take that jungle. But he says the ladies just dig in" Dustin agreed
"What ladies?" She chuckled when Max suddenly took the binoculars from her
"Let me see" she said before directing her whole focus on the shirtless Steve
"What" Belly said looking back and forth between Steve and Max
"You guys realize, if there's a gate down there, it's technically a water gate" Dustin chuckled at his own joke "Water gate" he repeated when nobody laughed
"Why isn't he back yet?" Belly desperately voiced her concerns
"Come on Steve. Come on" Dustin repeated and right then, sirens were heard the four looked at each other in horror
"Down by the water" they heard a voice
"Shit. Down" Lucas commanded
"Shit. Shit" Belly repeated as they say down so close to the ground
"Dustin you're a goddamn Einstein, Steve found the-" they heard the walkie before Dustin turned it off
"Eddie's right here we gotta do something" Belly said
"Stay with me" Max said before getting up "Hey! Officers!" She yelled and none of the other three could understand what she was trying to do
"Hey, shh!" Belly tried to warn the girl but she didn't listen
"I found the killer, over here!" She yelled and the four started running away towards the jungle with the police officers chasing them
"Dustin!" Belly said when the guy fell down, she gave him a hand but he was picked up by a man in uniform "Well, shit" she mumbled
"Hey there" the officer said
A while later, the 4 ended up at the Wheeler's house where, questioning them, the police officers were present as well as Lucas and Dustin's parents.
"Now, Isabella Willson?" The officer asked "We couldn't reach your father, when exactly is he gonna be home?"
"He's usually not home. Work related stuff" Belly gulped at the thought of him knowing all this
"Okay, we'll need you to inform us the next time you're able to talk to him" The officer said and Belly looked into the distance, as she started to zone out
She only zoned back in when officer Powell yelled at the parents "Shut up!" he was standing and startled Belly, she looked around with her heavy breathing, Max when noticed this, put her hand on Belly's calming the girl down "One, at a time" Powell pointed at Max "You first"
"Wait, why me?" she asked, her hand never left Belly's
"Follow me"
"I am not even in the Hellfire Club" she defended herself
"Do I need to cuff you" Officer Callahan pointed at the redhead, Belly gave Max's hand a little squeeze telling her it's alright as Max left, Belly got up to use the 'bathroom'.
"Do you have something to eat?" She said when she got back after 15 minutes "I am kinda hungry" Belly asked Karen Wheeler making everyone silent and give Belly a look
"Yeah, some garlic noodles must be in the fridge" she said as Belly got up and the two guys followed her to the kitchen
With the noodles she also grabbed a coke, the drink, obviously. And she sat at the table in the dining room. Not really listening to the conversation between Lucas and Dustin. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the light flicker none of the other's seemed to notice this.
"Oh, would you look at that?" Dustin and Lucas looked at her confusingly while she pointed at the light "The stars are twinkling" she chuckled and Dustin and Lucas gave each other a look
"Belly, I am gonna need you to go to the bedroom upstairs, you can take your coke" Dustin instructed as Belly started to walk away
"As long as I have my drink" she slurred her words and she down by the bed
Dustin and Lucas arrived and fit all the beads in before plugging the board to the switchboard and the four sat down on their knees
"Okay you guys seeing this?" Dustin yelled and saw the lights brighten "We're not moving it, we're gonna unplug it, standby" he gave Lucas the thumbs up to unplug the board "okay try it now" he said and the words H I brightened up
"That worked" he yelled again "S..T..U" they read the words "Stupid?" They guessed "C...K, Stuck, stuck"
"They're stuck in the upside down" Lucas explained
"You can't get back through the water gate?" Dustin asked
"What the hell is guar?" Belly read the words on the board "Guarded, oh" she realized
"We have a theory that can help with that, watergate isn't the only gate, we think that there's a gate at every murder site"
"I don't think they'd be able to hear such a big sentence" Belly informed
"Erica, would you please run down and get a cup of coffee for Belly, as she desperately it right now" Lucas said to his sister and Erica nodded understanding the situation
"Okay, how many times do I have to be right on the money, before you guys just trust me" Dustin said agitated. Erica quickly came back with a cup of black coffee
"Drink." Lucas said handing her the cup
"I don't want to" she pouted and Max came back with Dustin
'Belly, what's going on?" she asked
"She went to the bathroom earlier, for 10 minutes" Lucas informed
"God, no" Max groaned "Drink it" she had referring to the coffee as Belly did not fight it and took the cup, Belly listened in when they were telling Max about everything that happened.

cuz you and i - [Max Mayfield]
FanfictionIsabell Wilson has just moved to Hawkins Indiana with her Dad, in an attempt to put everything bad that's happened behind them. What happens when the very place they thought was an escape from their bad past, turns out to be worse, and certainly whe...