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And the door suddenly creaked open, someone was walking towards the room, the creaking floorboards indicated, the two looked back to see Jason, with a pistol in his hand, walking towards them.

“Jason” Lucas called out “You can’t be here right now, man” Jason looked at Max and walked to her, Belly got up and stood tall in front of Max, as Jason tried to go through.

“The hell have you done?” Jason continued ignoring Lucas

“Jason, hey”

“Is this what you did to Chrissy?” he knelt down to face Max

“Listen Jason, you need to go man”

“Hi, can you hear me?” he said trying to touch Max’s shoulder but couldn’t get through Belly

“Don’t touch her, we’re not messing around” Belly said “Man, please just-” she tried getting Jason up and he pulled out his gun and pointed it straight at Belly and she raised both her arms in defense “Okay,okay. Calm down” she said

“Get to that side” Jason pointed his gun to where Lucas was standing and Belly slowly walked over 

“You don’t have to do this, you really don’t have to do this” Belly repeated

“Yeah, I really hope so” Jason said “Turn around and put down your flashlight

“It’s okay, okay” Lucas repeated
“And empty your pockets” Terror took over Belly “Empty your pockets!” he shouted, they did it. Belly very carefully removing the handkerchief and putting it to the ground, hoping nothing would fall out “Here’s what’s gonna happen, I am gonna back away to the stairs there and you’re gonna wake her up from whatever the hell this is”

“We can’t” the two turned around “This is bigger than just us, Jason”

“You wake her up or you both die” Jason removed his gun’s safety.

Lucas tried rationing with the guy, explaining everything to him, about Vecna, the upside down, Chrissy’s drug buying, but it only made Jason angrier, he wasn’t ready to believe his girlfriend would do drugs, rather than talk to him.

“You have five seconds to wake her up” jason said “Four” Belly gave Lucas a look, before running and tackling Jason, Lucas ducked down as the pistol left Jason’s hand. He did not waste another second to hit Belly’s legs, she dropped to the floor, unable to move. As Lucas took Jason and got punched harder and harder with every blow.

Jason backed Lucas up into a corner, and walking there, he stepped on the walkman and removed every hope that Max will ever be back, Belly shouted at that getting the strength and getting up, she held Jason’s arm from behind so Lucas landed a punch.

But Jason quickly recovered, getting a bottle and smashing it into Belly’s head.

She backed away, for a minute and jumping on Jason’s back she choked him and hard as she could, it worked for a minute but then, Lucas’ terrified voice filled the room, Belly looked back and saw Max’s boy in the air, she pulled with all the force she had and Lucas now had room do get away, so he did and ran to Max.

Jason was a lot bigger than Belly, physically, he quickly overpowered her and pinned her to the ground.

He started choking her, she cried and wailed when she saw Max’s left elbow snap and crack, she struggled to breath, and as she moved her hand on the floor, she felt cold metal touch her skin.

She picked it up and shot Jason’s temple with the gun, his whole body falling down on her, she pushed him off and just then Max dropped to the ground.

“No” Belly said taking Max’s head on her lap “No, no, no, no, please stay with me Max, we’re gonna get you some help” she wailed tears running down her hot red cheeks and and her stuffy nose “Please don’t leave me, Max” she cried “Lucas! Help!” she screamed

“Belly…” Max softly said

“Yes, I am here, I am here” Belly rushed the words

“I can’t see or feel anything” Max stuttered

“We’re gonna get help, Lucas is calling an ambulance please just hold on”

“Belly, I don’t wanna go, I am scared, I am so scared. I don’t wanna die”

“You’re not gonna die, just hang on. No, no,no” Belly wailed “No, Max, just stay with me”

“Always” was Max’s last word to Belly. And she went completely silent and still

Two Days Later

Belly read Max her poem, once again, in the hospital room. And same as before, Max laid still on the hospital bed. Belly put her head down. She knew it was useless, she knew Max was not going to wake up any time soon. But there was a voice in the back of her head, a little voice saying ‘What if one day, she opens her eyes and talks to you, what if she says she has been hearing everything.

Two days earlier, when the upside down bled into Hawkins, when Vecna finally completed his plan, when the whole world went to shit. Two days ago, when Belly lost two people she loved over anything. Two days ago when Eddie died. Vecna killed Max.

Two days. She was vulnerable, weak and alone. 48 hours. 21 of which she was either high or unconscious. She regretted those 21 hours that she wasn't beside Max.

The door suddenly opened revealing Mike, El, Will, Jonathan came back from california.

“Hey” she said hugging Will first, the two almost didn’t wanna let go.

Then she side hugged Mike and lastly El

“I am sorry” El whispered breaking the hug and Belly hugged Jonathan. Just like with Will she almost did not want to let go.

“Did they say when she will wake?” El asked making Belly shake her head

"They don't even know IF she'll wake" her voice cracked "Her heart stopped, she was dead for over a minute, and then she came back" she inhaled "Nobody knows how. Apparently they consider it a miracle"

El stepped close to Max and held her hand, closing her eyes. Nothing.

The others left, Belly stayed. She sat beside Max. And held her hand.

"Please don't leave me in the end"

A/N: so since season 4 is officially over for this fanfic and next season won't be out for a while, what are y'all's opinions on the fine young lady Isabell Wilson?

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