After what happened at the pool all of them made their way back to Mike's basement, Belly couldn't walk, so she let Will help her, Max tried to, but whenever she touched Belly, she pulled away
After reaching the destination, Belly fell onto the couch, El tried to find Hopper, Belly, instantly falling asleep, a little bit of rest is all she needed right now
But that didn't last long when she felt someone shake her body, opening her eyes, she saw a worried Jonathan and Nancy behind him
"So this crazy old woman who was eating fertilizers-" Mike started as soon as Nancy finished what she was saying
"Mrs Driscoll" She cut him off
"Yeah, right, Mrs Driscoll, what time was this attack" Mike asked
"Around 9" Nancy replied, Belly felt nauseas
"I am sorry, but I need to go home" Belly said as everyone looked at her "Like right now" She tried standing up but Max stopped her
"No you can't you're hurt" She said
"Oh yeah? And whose fault is that?" all of them froze when they heard Belly say that
She got up and walked towards the stairs, she stumbled a little when Jonathan caught her and helped her up the stairs
"Thanks" she said as she got out of his grip and tried walking
"Wait, I'll drop you" he said getting to his car
"No it's alright-" She started
"C'mon get in, you're hurt, it's the least I can do" he said as she got into his car, they drove off as soon as they stopped in front of her house she got out mumbling a small thanks
She walked inside her house and went straight to her room she didn't notice a worried Melissa rush to her when she entered the bathroom picking up a heater
Belly leaned on the wall as she let out heavy breaths, she turned on the hot water tap, as she waited the tub to fill until then she cleaned her wounds on her face
"A..are you okay? Isabell?" She heard from the other side of the door
"Geez, Melissa, do you follow me everywhere I go?" she said in a low voice, but loud enough for Melissa to hear
"Well, I left you once, I don't wanna lose you again" Melissa replied making Belly sigh
"Why did you leave Melissa?" She paused "I am asking for the naked truth, why did you leave?" Belly leaned her back on the door not knowing Melissa did the same
"You wanna know the truth?" Melissa asked before she could receive a response she spoke again "After William, your biological dad, left me alone with you still in my body, I didn't know what to do, I went crazy" Melissa paused
"Continue" Belly spoke without showing any emotion in her voice
"I couldn't even afford abortion, so I had no choice but to have you, but the second I held you in my arms, I didn't regret my choice" she sniffled
"Are you crying?" Belly asked now her voice breaking as she was on the verge of tears
"After that, I didn't know how to provide for you" Melissa ignored Belly's question "I worked day and night, I stressed out so much that I had to start taking medicine for it" she paused "One day, someone offered me a shit ton of money to sell my medicine to him"
"Basically drug dealing?" Belly asked
"Yeah, I did and I got into the business of drugs, it was nice, having enough money to provide for the both of us, but I realised it was wrong, but by the time, I wanted to leave this, it was too late, the guy, the biggest dealer in the state, already knew me and my home, he knew about you"
"So you ran away?" She asked
"I am getting there wait" she joked making them both chuckle despite having tears in their eyes "So, I left you in the house, and I got high, that day, I swore I'd end it all, I uh I tried jumping off a bridge, but when I was in the air, between water and the bridge, I got reminded of your face and then I hit the water, a guy yelled my name and he pulled me swam and pulled me from the water, taking me to the hospital and staying with me the whole time, he was Martin, and honestly after what I did, I couldn't face you ever again" she sniffled again
"How did you know Martin?" Belly asked her question
"He was my bestfriend, from elementary school, why else do you think I trusted him with you?" she explained
"Why did you never even come back?" Belly asked now sobbing
"I did, after a month, after that day, I spent all the money I had and checked into a rehab, stayed there for a month, clean and sober, then I came back, for you, I thought, I'd just take you and we would leave the country and start a new life" Melissa paused "But I saw you, with Martin, you looked so happy with him that I uh I couldn't bring myself to talk to you, so I ran away"
"Why did you come back, now?" Belly got up and turned the water off
"There are things.. I need to protect you from" Melissa said
"Melissa can you give me a moment? Alone?" Belly asked making Melissa walk away from the door and wipe her tears
"Sure, Isabell" she said before walking outside
Belly closed all the openings, except one window, she got inside the tub and turned on the heater, she stayed like that for a few moments before her breathing got heavy, she gripped the sides of the tub as she drowned her face inside, she groaned when she felt the hot water her body, she sweated excessively, she got her face out of the water as black veins covered her body, she let out a scream, as she saw a black mist leave her body and go out from the window, she leaned back
"I know, I am being nosy but are you okay? I heard you screaming" Melissa said as Belly got out and cleaned herself before she put on dry clothes and went outside to face a worried Melissa
"I listened to you, now you need to listen to me" Belly closed the door, as Melissa nodded "Gosh, this is gonna be so weird"
"Explain it in the way, we need to run to the hospital for your wounds"

cuz you and i - [Max Mayfield]
FanfictionIsabell Wilson has just moved to Hawkins Indiana with her Dad, in an attempt to put everything bad that's happened behind them. What happens when the very place they thought was an escape from their bad past, turns out to be worse, and certainly whe...