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The humans used to live in peace, until a new species called the Catori was discovered. The species had a very human like appearance, except they had animal attributes, and could transform into animals. Since the humans did not understand the new race, they began to create stories and legends of how the Catori were a threat to humans. The humans gradually began to have a horrible fear for the new race, and they wanted to rid of the danger. The Catori were renamed the Beasts, and every year the human king would train millions of knights to be able to fight the Beasts. When the men were ready to fight, they would attack many Catori villages, and the species became terrified of the humans. After a few attacks the Catori trained themselves to fight, and to protect themselves from the horrible humans. However, they didn't want to fight, the species only wanted to be a peace with the humans.

The humans hate only began to grow as they learned more about the hated race. In their minds, the Catori were a horrible race that needed to be eliminated. They soon discovered the Catori also had an ability to shape shift into the animal they resembled. This only fuelled the humans rage.

After a journey to a large Catori gathering, one human spy and assassin explained to the King that the Catori treated each gender equally. Another thing he mentioned was that the Catori women were taught how to hunt, fight, and protect themselves. The King was enraged by this, since he believed women should have few rights. He then trained as many knights as possible, and was getting more and more desperate to kill of every single last Catori.

A few years past, and The King found out that the Queen of the Catori had a daughter. The daughter was to become queen once she turned twenty, but The King would not let this happen. He then decided that he would kill the Queen when the daughter was sixteen. Then, once the princess turned eighteen, he would get one of his strongest Knights to assassinate the princess.

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