Chapter 3: Lucas

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I was disugsted that I had to be a Catori in order to sneak in. It made bile rise in my throat, but I willed it back, and kept my head held high.
But what were the chances that I'd meet the princess herself! It almost felt like it was all being played into the palm of my hand.
Then there was that ceremony thing and the feast.. I wasn't interested in a meal because I didn't feel hungry when I thought about the crime I was about to commit, but I forced some meat down my throat anyway, and decided to rest and wait for the time.
It was a cool evening, if there was any night that I'd like to murder on, is this. It was quiet too. Which might be trouble if it gets messy.
I followed her quietly after she left her friends. I twirled my kunai in my hand, and watched her movements closely.
Sure, what's said about her beauty is an understatement, but that's not my problem right now.
I need to kill the princess, take her head, and get back to the castle before anyone see's anything.
Which it's a surprise that she doesn't have guards around her. You'd expect evey guard from the nation to be around her, making sure assasins like me, don't kill her.
It seemed suspicious, but I watched her enter her house.
I waited a little, before I walked up, carefully scanning the area, before I knocked lightly on the door.
She opened the door, and I tried to look as welcoming as I possibly could.
She seemed suspicious for a moment, before she smiled at me. Odd, I've never seen a catori smile.
"May I talk to you?" I asked her, keeping my tone even. She nodded. And stepped out of her house.
As soon as she did, I lunged forward, pulled my kunai from my sleeve, and had pressed against her throat.
I stilled my breathing, and watched her. I used to feel terrified when I'd get to this stage. My hands would shake so badly that I'd drop my weapon sometimes. But now I've trained myself to push away all second thoughts, and empty my mind.
But this time, I felt disgusted. I didn't know why. No matter how hard I shoved at my heartstrings, they just played harder. I gripped the blade firmer, and glared at the princess.
"Are you a renegade?" She asked, and I stared at her quizzically. How could she be so... Calm? I'm stressing more than her, and I'm holding the weapon!
"No." I breathed out, and her eyes narrowed.
"So you're a human? How?" She demanded, and I glared harder. I didn't say anything though. She doesn't need to know that humans are discovering more about her race.
I was about to finish off my mission, when a shriek came from behind.
"Guards! Guards! Princess Aiyana!" I cursed lightly, and instantly there were soldiers all around me. If only my own army could react this fast.
"Drop her now." A voice rung out, and I pressed the knife harder against her neck. Suddenly I felt a couple pricks on my arm, and my entire world exploded into colors.
"That should knock him out, sir!" A voice, who was growing more distant rang in my ears.
I didn't even realize I dropped my weapon, until I fell to the ground. I tried to rise back up, but everything was shutting down. I saw people running towards me with rope, and I tried to fend them off, but I could fee, whatever drug was used, knock me out quickly.

* * *
I woke slowly, and groggily. Everything hurt, and I swore I could taste sound. Not that much was happening anyway. I could hear some water dripping from somewhere near.
It took me about a minute to actually sit up, and wait for my vision to refocus. I next noticed that I was in a dingy room, with bars closing me off from the hall. Typical prison cell. I looked around, and finally looked at myself.
No wounds surprisingly, but all my weapons were gone. I noticed a small, high window and I walked over to it. I narrowed my eyes and groaned. No way out, in somewhere I don't know. I don't even know where the human border is now.
I heard a door open behind me, and I whirled around to see a couple catori people standing there.
"Come here." One spoke. It had a very deep voice. I refused and glared at them with fire. The same one chuckled darkly.
"So you're playing like that, huh?" He entered the cell, and punched me in the face.
Still weak from the drugs, I took the full force and hit the wall behind me. I curled my lip at them in disgustad the other two began to laugh. I spat at them, and was about to retort something, when I heard the door open again. A girl walked in, and it took me a moment or two to realize it was the princess, who stood there.

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