Chapter 51: Lucas

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I laid facedown in my cell. Too tired and sore to move a muscle. I sighed, and felt my legs fall asleep quickly. I could hear other prisoners in other cells, and I listened to the, have their conversations and such.
"Hey, get up." A voice told me from outside of the cell, and I slowly looked up to see a guard standing there proudly. I curled my lip in disgust, and stayed the way I was.
"I'm not gonna tell you again, buddy. Get up." He growled as he opened the door to the cell and took a threatening step towards me.
I rolled my eyes in disinterest, and sat myself up, trying to look neutral the entire time.
"The princess would like a word with you." He said, and a moment later, the door to the room, and the princess stepped in. Her eyes sweeped the room until they landed on me. She smirked, and walked over.
"Lucas! I'm so happy to see you!" She said in a high voice, and waved at the guard to leave. She encased me in her arms, and I tried my best not to gag on all the perfume she had on.
"You know.. They plan to execute you soon.." She whispered into my ear. I rose an eyebrow, but stayed silent.
"I could save you.. But you'd have to do me a favor first." I rose an eyebrow, and stared at her.
"You'd have to marry me, and give up your catori genes." She told me darkly, and I shoved her away.
"No. Way." I spat through gritted teeth, and shook my head wildly. I'd never marry her!
She sighed and shook her head sympathetically.
"I guess you're really going to die then. I'm sorry Lucas. I gave you a chance, but you blew it." She told me softly, and called for a guard. I was roughly tied by the guard at my hands and feet, and dragged out of the cell, offering much resistance.

A couple of guards finally helped, and I found myself unable to barely squirm. So I finally gave in, and let them drag me to a room. A dark one. Where I could barely see my own feet.

I was sat down on a chair, and I blinked wearily at the darkness.

"Ah Lucas. So nice to see you on the other end of the knife." A voice spoke out, and it sent shivers down my spine. A bright light shot into my eyes, and I squinted against it to see a man standing in front of me, behind a table. He rested his hands against the table and stared at me.

"Now I'm sure you know what this room is, considering you've been in this room many times."
His voice was deep, and he seemed familiar. It was obvious he knew me though.
I studied my surroundings, and to my horror, I found I was in the room where captives were mostly tortured. It could be for many things though.
I kept my gaze as strong as I could as I stared at the man. He sat down from across from me, and he stared at me.

"Alright. Spill. What do you know about the catori? Weaknesses? Defense systems? Anything." He said, and I spat at him. He wiped his face, and he glared harshly.
"You know what happens, Lucas." He said, making me stand up, and pushed me over to a tank full of water. My eyes widened, and before I could do anything, my head was plunged deep into the water.
After what seemed like hours, I was brought back up and coughed, but only to have my head put back into the water. Not expecting the soon return into the water, I wasn't holding my breath, and water filled my mouth and nose.
When I came back up, I gasped for air. When I was thrown to the ground, I wanted to wipe the water from my eyes, but my tied hands made it impossible. The urge was driving me insane.
"You will speak now." The man growled as he towered over me. I glared up at him, and stayed silent. I've never been tortured before. So this was all new. But I've been the one giving torture before. Somehow, it doesn't hurt as much on the receiving end, than the giving end.
"You think I'd know? I've barely been around the catori as it was. I went out on my own adventure for a couple months." I muttered angrily. He rose an eyebrow, and shook his head.
The torture continued and I was finally taken back to my cell, without being dried first. I now sat trembling in my cell, shivering like mad. I looked at my hands and they were beginning to turn an unhealthy white.
"Damit." I hissed through chatterig teeth, and I hugged myself for warmth.
"Aiyana.. I'm usually the one saving you... But right now I really need you.." I whispered as I prayed Aiyana to be safe.

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