Chapter 27: Lucas

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"If you're still loyal, bring the princess to me. Dead or alive."

The king's voice still rung in my head as I dragged the unconscious princess.

Why does this feel so wrong? Why do I just want run home and curl up under my covers?

I sighed, and sat down and stared at her. She looked so peaceful. Which is a surprise since she is being kidnapped.

I looked up at the sky that was starting to get darker.

"What would you want me to do Trisha? Hand in the princess and end the war, but lose one of my only "friends?" or leave her here, but go back empty handed, and have the king either have me exucuted, or exile me?" I asked desperately to the sky, hoping that some sign will show me what to do.

I looked back at the princess, and scoffed lightly. I think my heart already knows what it wants me to do.

I stood up, and dragged the princess back so she was right outside of the village, and bolted back to the human territory quietly. Once I entered, the right hand man stood there. I glared at him, and his gaze was cool too. He knows. He knows that I'm a traitor. No better than a renegade.

"It seems you are losing focus on what you are." He sneered, and I curled my lip slightly, and glared harder. He seemed to lose his composure under my stare for a second, before he turned away.

"Follow." He simply told me, and I walked after him. As we got closer to the castle, I got more and more nervous with each step.

We finally reached the throne room, and the atmosphere of the room made the hairs on my neck stand up.

"General." The king addressed me, and stared at me. I walked a couple steps forward, keeping a strong stance as I stood in front of him.

"Why did you come back without the princess?"

"It seems that the catori had finally started to protect their princess. I couldn't get close without getting spotted." I reported the lie, and the king stared at me.

He calmly stood up and walked over to me. I thought for a moment that maybe he believed me!

But a second later, I was smacked across the face, and I fell back from the force. Instinctively a hand went to my sword, but I quickly drew it away, knowing I could be killed on the spot for threatening the king. But everybody saw it, and instantly I had knights pointing swords at my throat. I stared at the king, and he spat at me as he spoke.

"You will be executed at dawn. No trial. Guards, take him to his new cell." The king ordered, and I began to shudder, as guards picked me up and escorted me down to the prison.

Scott saw me on the way, and he raced over.

"Whoa whoa, what's going on mates?" He asked as he stared at me. I watched him helplessly, as the guard explained I was going to be killed tomorrow morning.

"Wait, can't I justify this?" Scott snapped as he tried to push through, but the guards kept him away well.

I shook my head slowly, and didn't want him to get in trouble.

"Scott. Please stop and just live the life you're supposed to. With Rebecca." I smirked as his face went a shade red, and looked away for a heartbeay, before my escorts continued.

I was tossed roughly into the cell. Before I had been thrown in, they took my sword and kunai's. But luckily I still had my armor on.

I leaned against the wall, and stared anxiously at the window.

"Please dad.. Come save me?"

"DAD!" I screamed as I fought to keep my head above the water. Everything was happening so quickly, I could barely notice the sharp rock that the current pulled me into. I choked out a cry and also spat out water as my hip hit the rock with full force.

"Lucas!" I heard my mother scream, and I desperately tried to look over the water as my head went under again.

Everything seemed so calm under the waves. It would make a chilling grave though.

I slowly looked around, and saw more sharp rocks coming.

But suddenly I felt an arm clasp around my waist, and I found jy head above the water again.

I greedily sucked in as much air as I could manage, and looked to see my dad strongly swimming against the current and to the side.

He hoisted me up onto the rocks, and I coughed and spluttered as my lungs cleaned themselves of the water.

"Are you alright?" My father's deep voice rung in my ears, and I numbly nodded.

"No he's not! Look at him!" My mother shrieked as she raced over. I found my father inspecting me, and he found the wound the rock had created on my hip. He moved back, frowning.

"That's really deep Lucas. You're going to need to get that treated." He said to me, and I guiltily lowered my head.

"I'm sorry.."

My father smiled and patted my head.

"It's okay Lucas. Just practice swimming in the future, and don't go diving into rivers again." My father teased, and ruffled my hair.

I found my eyes beginning to water, as I realized I'd be joining my mother. Who knows though. My mother was the fairest person I ever met. I don't have much of a reason to join where she is. I've killed so much..

"What have I done?"

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