Chapter 30: Aiyana

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Lucas and I headed back to camp, and even though I felt exhausted, there was no way I was going to admit it to the black haired guy. Sure, he wasn't my enemy anymore, but I didn't want to seem weak. As I thought about him, I remembered he kissed the princess. Did my kiss mean nothing? I sighed at my foolishness. Why would I even kiss him? He could have had a relationship with the princess at the time. I growled, and Lucas looked at me,

"Are you okay?" He asked,

"Fine." I grumbled, as we walked to my village. Lucas gave me a confused look, and I rolled my eyes. Who did this guy think he was? Going around kissing any girl he wanted? "That kiss meant nothing." I said seriously, and the guy scratched his neck,

"Yeah." He replied, and I continued walking. We were silent on the rest of the walk, and I was relieved when we got back.

"Hey!" I waved to Kenji and Akira, who snarled when they saw Lucas. "It's fine, he's on our side now." I grinned, and looked at Lucas, "alright, you're going to have to stay in the extra room in my house. Sound good?" Lucas nodded, and I lead him toward my house.

"I know it's not like the castle." I said as I entered the house,

"No it's great." Lucas shrugged, and I lead him into our extra room.

"Here's your room. And you can get some extra clothes from the tailor." I explained, and waved, walking to my room. I stripped out of my sweaty clothes, and realized how hot out it was. My hands reached for my bathing suit, and I slipped it on. It was a brown leather bikini, and although it was a bit tricking to swim in, it was all the resources I had when the tailor made the bathing suit for me. I left my hair down, and exited my room, heading for the front door.

"Oh hey." Lucas walked up beside me, but I watched his face go red, "uh, what are you wearing?" He blinked,

"It's a bikini." I yawned in boredom, and stretched. He was still staring, and I chuckled, "I can't be that interesting." Lucas blushed even more,

"Sorry, I could join you though. If you're swimming." I sighed, and pointed at his pants,

"I doubt you'll be able to swim in those. You can try though." The guy suddenly grinned, and grabbed a kitchen knife, cutting the pants into shorts.

"There." He snickered, and I rolled my eyes,

"Fine. Come on." I said, and walked to the lake. When we got there, I dived straight into the relaxing and cool water. Lucas grinned behind me, and pulled of his shirt, diving in beside me. The splash caused from his dive went over me, and I hissed,

"Don't you dare." I snapped, and the guy laughed. I glared at him, and swam toward the edge of the lake. Lucas swam after me, and his hands grabbed my waist before I could move.

"Lucas, what are you-" the guy crashed his lips upon mine, and my eyes widened in surprise. Lucas pulled me into him, but I used my hands and pushed him off me. "What the hell was that about?" I growled, and Lucas advanced to grab me again, but I pushed him away. "I know who you are Lucas. There is now way I'm falling for that." I hissed, and leaped out of the lake.

"Aiyana, wait!" The guy called out. I growled at the guy and transformed into a lioness, taking off to my favourite tree. When I arrived, I scurried up and sat on my favourite branch. Then, I turned back into my human form, and watched the blue sky. I thought about Lucas, and I knew exactly how to do with him. I was going to play hard to get, and so, if he really wanted me, he would half to win me back.

"Didnt except to see you here." Kyrin laughed as he landed on the branch beside me,

"Hey." I smiled, and Kyrin looked at my outfit,

"Went for a swim, I see?" I nodded, and Kyrin turned into a large eagle. "Now, want to go for a fly around?" He asked, and I grinned,

"I'd love to, Kyrin, but first I have to find Lucas."

"The General?"

"Don't worry, he is on our side now. But, I kind of left him at the lake." I blushed in embarrassment,

"Let's go find him then." Kyrin grinned, and I hopped onto his back.


"Aiyana, why exactly did you leave Lucas?" Kyrin asked, and I sighed,

"It's a long story." The brown haired guy chuckled, and flew down to the ground. I saw Lucas sitting in the shallow part of the lake, with a sad look on his face. Kyrin landed and I got off his back, and walked toward Lucas,

"Okay, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you. But anyways, we should get back. I have to explain to my village that you're on the same side now." I said to him. Lucas nodded, and the three of us headed back to camp,

"So, what's you're deal?" Kyrin asked Lucas,

"Well, I was the General. But not anymore, I guess." He sighed. Out of the corner of my eyes, I looked at the both guys expressions. That was defiantly jealously.

"What's your relationship with Aiyana?"

"Nothing really." Lucas shrugged,

"Ah. Well, just letting you know, we have a pretty strong relationship with each other."

"Have you two ever kissed?"

"No, but-"

"We kissed twice, and the second time, it was intense." The black haired guy grinned, And Kyrin's mouth dropped open. "Yeah, wow, she is a good kisser."

"Both of you! Shut up!" I hissed, and hit both of them on their arms. Kyrin and Lucas looked shocked, but they obeyed me, and we were silent the rest of the way back.

"I'm meant for her, dude." Kyrin growled, and walked off to his house. I sighed, and looked at Lucas,

"Do you have feelings for the human princess, Lucas? Because if you do, I don't want to be someone to make you feel better. I'm not a toy." I asked, as the two of us walked to the house,
Lucas was opening his mouth to speak, but I just ignored him and went into my room. I got undressed and put on casual clothing. When I was about to leave, I took a deep breath,
"Be brave, Aiyana." I whispered to myself. My hand reached for the door handle, and I swung it open. Lucas stood in front of me, and I could tell he was ready to answer my question.

"Aiyana, I..."

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