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It's been a couple of months since Tenko started at Aldera Middle School. As Touya had thought, having a quirk like Tenko's didn't invite many favors from the kids there. Touya's already had to go to the principal 5 times to kindly ask him to get the other kids to fuck off. And that's only this month! As much as Tenko tried to convince him that he was ok, Touya knew that it must have gotten to the kid. Tenko was withdrawn from other people, more withdrawn than he should be for a young boy his age. His parenting books hastily borrowed from the library didn't teach him how to handle this situation, and any books on how to parent a kid with a dangerous quirk- dangerous because he refused to call it villainous- were full of bias and hatred. What quirk a child has should not determine how they are treated by others, yes quirks were essentially part of someone, but it didn't mean that it's the ONE defining part of them. It's almost as dumb as going to a cactus, touching it, and claiming it doesn't hurt because plants are "delicate" and "can't hurt anyone". Yeah right. The next person that says villainous quirks make villains will become very well acquainted with the underside of his boot. No one hurts his kid.

Touya walked out of the cafe and to the school. He'd planned to pick up Tenko today for a very good reason. He was going to teach him how to defend himself. The lousy principal, as well as the parents of those brats, had claimed self-defense. In their own words, "so long as no one is too injured, defending themselves should be ok". They knew that Tenko couldn't use his quirk without someone potentially becoming a dust bunny so, with this, they effectively gave the kids free reign to do whatever. Not on Touya's watch. If they could claim self-defense then fine. Tenko's just going to have to wipe the floor with them to make a point. They wouldn't even be able to charge him with quirk use! Everyone with a brain knows that if Tenko used his quirk, it'd be extremely obvious. Now if Tenko beat them quirkless... that would be a different situation. After all. His kid was just claiming self-defense.

Outside the school, the sun was shining brightly and a calm breeze cooled his face. Touya couldn't believe this was his life now. Only a year ago, he'd been on the run from the heroes, hiding in dilapidated and abandoned buildings just trying to survive. Now, he had his own cafe, money was stable and he had a kid that loved him. Life was good.

When Tenko exited the gates, Touya noted that his expression was one of mild annoyance. Touya would bet money that some kids probably said something to him along the lines of "get away from us you crusty villain!" Whilst that may have been a true statement in a previous life, it wasn't true now. Now he was Touya's kid. Walking up to the boy, Touya put a hand on his back, laughing as Tenko jumped a few feet in the air due to his surprise.

"Dad! What are you doing here?"

"I'm planning on showing you a special place today Tenko. Do you have enough energy to go on a little walk with me?" The boy nodded as a smile started to grow on Touya's face. He grabbed Tenko's bag from him as he started to walk towards his old training spot. The boy seemed shocked for a moment before running after him, face red.

"I'm not a baby dad! I can carry my things myself!" It was cute how red Tenko's face had grown. He was like a little tomato with blue leaves. Touya had to hold himself back from laughing when he realised Tenko's cheeks were nearly the same shade as his eyes. How adorable.


Tenko wasn't sure where his dad wanted to take him right after classes ended. He wasn't expecting his dad to show up right outside his school. He could already imagine what his classmates would say if they had seen him. No doubt he'd be teased even more for having his dad pick him up.. That being said. He didn't really care. They were just a bunch of nobodies that he didn't even register enough about to remember their names. They were just people he had to see every day. People who were complicit with the bullying he'd gone through. So what if he had a dad that picked him up? They're just jealous that his dad loves him so much. If they were going to tease him about it, he might just gift each of them a carton of milk to make up for the lack of care their fathers clearly had. After all, why else care if your classmate's dad picked them up? They weren't close enough for any of them to be concerned about him.

TIME TRAVEL - I ADOPT A BUNCH OF BRATSWhere stories live. Discover now