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Ever since he met his dad, Tenko knew that the man was an angel. Too bad almost everyone around them thought the same. His dad was pretty. Too pretty for his own good, and on top of that, the man was oblivious to anyone flirting with him! Whilst that was a good thing, it often invited people to up their flirting in an attempt to take his dad out.

Today his dad was working at the cafe. The teenager that usually worked Tuesday mornings was off sick. It was still only 10 am but Tenko could already tell the cafe was going to be more crowded than usual. Whenever his dad was working, it was like droves of pests came in just for a glance at him.

"Hey! Tenko!" Two voices called for him as he turned towards the door. Walking towards him was Touya and Natsuo. Though he had not liked Touya at first, Tenko had found a good friend in the other boy and his brother.

"So what's up with all these customers?" Natsuo asked. The boy's head was tilted to the side with a questioning look on his face.

"Dad's working today." Tenko didn't need to say any more for Touya to understand immediately.

"Oh.. my condolences man. Anyone we need to end yet?" There was a spark of mischief in his eyes, but that was overshadowed by stone-like seriousness. Tenko wasn't sure if Touya would really do it. But looking at his friend's expression, he wouldn't be surprised if he found Touya hiding a body somewhere later.

Natsuo looked between his older brother, and Tenko, the confusion was clear on his face.

"What does Nabe working today have to do with more customers? Does he make better coffee than the normal barista?" Ah.. sweet, innocent Natsuo. He didn't understand that in this world, aside from the monsters that ignore and harm children, there are the beasts that try to steal away pretty angels like Tenko's dad. Tenko swears if he sees that overgrown blonde chicken, he's going to decay him.

Tenko didn't want to have to explain to Touya's little brother why people found his dad attractive, it just seemed so weird. Thankfully he didn't have to.

"Natsu. Do you think Nabe is pretty?" Touya asked his brother.

"Mhm! Nabe is the prettiest!" Natsuo cheerfully agreed.

"Yes. We can see that Nabe is pretty. Now look over there." Touya said, gesturing to a man who was sat up at a bench, coffee in hand but eyes never leaving Tenko's dad. Tenko only had one thing in mind when looking at the man. Death. Tenko had to physically shake himself out from the dark thoughts brewing in his mind when he felt Touya's concerned gaze on him.

Ok then. Death if the man tries to hit on Tenko's dad. As if the universe was giving him a sig, the man stood up and started to approach Tenko's dad at the back. Focusing on the man, Tenko blocked everything else out as he waited for the man to make his move. If the man just wanted to order more food and drink, then Tenko wouldn't do anything. Obviously. But if that man tries to ask his dad out... Tenko would have to take matters into his own hands.


Touya followed Tenko's gaze as both boys assessed the man approaching Nabe. Touya was grateful to this man who taught him what it meant to have a dad. He'd taught Touya how to train his quirk, and honestly, Touya didn't know where he'd be without his help. Meeting Nabe was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Nabe was always patient, kind and caring. He understood when he had to push Touya, but also when Touya needed a break and encouragement.

The soft words and proud acknowledgement of his skills made Touya feel special. Nabe was his dad in all but blood, but that was never that important was it?

He and Tenko watched the man almost stumble over his words, face flushed red as he began to speak with Nabe.

"H-hey! Watanabe! Do you have anything to do later?" Touya almost laughed aloud at the man's inability to speak with Nabe. Nabe was too good for the man.

TIME TRAVEL - I ADOPT A BUNCH OF BRATSWhere stories live. Discover now