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Touya knew that this life was his second chance at living normally, but he couldn't help it! Knowing what he did about the future, he knew that sitting around and doing nothing won't do him any favours. Instead, whilst he still has the time, he decides to build up his skills and connections. He won't be a villain, definitely not. Being a hero won't be an option either because he doesn't want to listen to the HPSC. No. In the dark of night, he dons his vigilante gear and enters the underground under the alias "Null".

After a few months of his meddling, he soon becomes a well-known figure among the residents of the underworld, piquing the interest of many due to his infamous quirkless fighting style. He knew using his quirk casually is just asking for trouble. Not only would it invite villains like AFO and Dr. Garaki to search for him, but it would also be key evidence for any heroes nosy enough to look for him during daylight hours. If Touya was living on his own, perhaps he would have taken the risk. But at night, as he sneaks out of his apartment, leaving Tenko laying peacefully in his own bed, he vows to always return. If he were to get caught, or the worse happens and he dies.. He would never want to put his son in that position. No. Never.

Null has a reputation in the underground as a vigilante with a strict moral compass. Though it is not the typical "black and white" of many extremists like Stendhal, Null will never help anyone who has committed sins out of greed, lust, or wrath. In fact, Null is known for capturing or even killing villains and heroes who have been proven to have murdered in cold blood, ab**** others, or r****d someone. The fact they were a "hero" never deterred him. He would leave their prone forms in front of either their agencies or the police station, a list of their crimes, as well as the evidence of their crimes stuck to them with tape. For some of the heroes, he would take the time to take photos of his work and post them all around their patrol route, almost as if a mockery of their name. The police, as well as the agencies, after finding the aforementioned heroes, would immediately be sent to try to collect all the posters before civilians could find them first. Unfortunately, most of the time, it wasn't enough. Posters of the hero would be found and sent to the nearest news station, ready to be aired in the early morning news. Many civilians hailed Null as a bearer of truth, whilst others cursed him for "faking the evidence". No matter. He would do what he could to get the job done.


Tsukauchi has a headache. He's had a headache since a few months ago. Null had caught another hero tonight, and left Pro Hero Starshine dazed and disoriented in front of his agency. Papers showing the hero's misdeeds were wrapped in tape around the hero himself. Whilst Tsukauchi could be grateful that the vigilante was doing good by stomping out corruption and getting rid of the villains that the police were unable to capture, the way he did so put the heroes in a difficult position. Week after week, countless news articles had come out through various news sources about corruption in hero society, heroes that many children had looked up to were revealed in a way that was unable to be hidden or sugarcoated. Tsukauchi wanted the public to know the truth, but there were ways this could have been done without putting the public's trust in heroes in jeopardy.

This was the fifth hero this month and Tsukauchi could feel his headache worsen. The month only started 5 days ago!


Shouta doesn't lie to himself. He knew that the hero world had its dark side. There were always those who would use their position to line their pockets. He'd spoken to Null before and the man was nothing like the crazed villain that the heroes he's caught had made him out to be. Shouta smiled to himself. It was honestly funny how all those heroes, for all the "power" they held, they'd still been taken down by what was essentially a quirkless vigilante. Shouta knew that those heroes had been quirkist bastards, perpetuating the notion that only people with strong quirks were "worthy enough" to be heroes. It was good to see them taken down a peg.

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