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A/N: I decided to post the side story linked to this chapter on Wattpad as well since I'll be updating that for the next few weeks before continuing with the main story. I don't want to leave you guys with nothing until Ch. 28, so if you want to, you can read "The Misadventures of Fumikage Tokoyami" until this is updated. 


The day after the Sports Festival was...odd. As a Todoroki, Shouto was well acquainted with the public attention that came with his last name, but it was as if the Sports Festival had slingshot his name even further into the open. On his way to school, Shouto was met with many people who would shake his hand, a few teenagers had even asked for pictures with him! He wasn't prepared for this! The moment he reached UA's gates, Shouto ran as fast as he could to his classroom, unused to the barrage of attention he'd received this morning.

Listening to the idle chatter around him, Shouto could tell many of his classmates had similar experiences.

"Some kids stopped me this morning! And guess what they said!" His classmate- Sero, his mind supplied, cried as he told his story.

"They started singing! They started saying 'bad luck!'" Jiro, who was listening, giggled.

"It was bad luck Sero. No one expected Todoroki to start taking people out so quickly. Especially since your match was the first." A few of his classmates nodded along and Shouto felt a sense of regret. He hadn't thought of what his actions would do to the public perception of them. At the time, he'd only thought to end the matches as soon as possible to conserve energy for future matches. He'll be more careful next time.

Their teacher walked in and stood at the front of the classroom.

"Now that the Sports Festival is over, you have more to think about. Today, we'll be having a special hero informatics class." Mr. Aizawa paused for a bit and Shouto could feel the tension in the room.

"You'll be coming up with hero names." The class exploded into excited whispers before Mr. Aizawa shut them up with a quirk-powered glare.

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation." Shouto thought that made sense. There was no point in wasting time and resources on someone who'd just get in the way. Heroics was also a business after all, and running a hero agency was a lot of work. It wasn't all fighting and rescuing, there was a lot that had to be done in the background. Shouto couldn't count the number of times he'd seen his father or siblings slumped over a particularly tall stack of papers. Having a student intern or workstudy would mean extra work on top of what they normally dealt with, and in the words of Touya when he was particularly annoyed with his paperwork, "no one wants to fucking deal with more paperwork". Shouto could respect that.

One of his classmates seemed to disagree though as Shouto heard a muttered, "adults are so selfish!"

Their teacher pulled out a remote from his capture weapon before pressing a button, names and numbers appearing on the board behind him.

"And here are the totals for those with offers." At the top of the list, Shouto could see his name, along with a large bar showing his offers. 5123 offers. Not bad.


Midnight came in to help them with their hero names, and Izuku had chosen his. He was proud of his decision. He'd be Deku, not the useless, quirkless boy that couldn't do anything in middle school. But the hero student who shows everyone that he can do anything if he sets his mind to it. This was his resolve. Nearly everyone had chosen their hero names, with Iida choosing Blitz, Uraraka choosing Uravity and Todoroki choosing Polaris, but Kacchan remained unnamed. All of his suggestions were shut down by Midnight. Izuku wondered what his childhood friend would choose.

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