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Shouta knew that this year would be different. It had to be. Villains had attacked the USJ after all. But what he hoped, prayed to be the truth was that his /kids/ students wouldn't be subjected to any more horrors. They'd nearly died during the last attack, and whilst they'd grown and gotten stronger, they were nowhere near ready to fight real villains.

The training camp started like every other year /like the USJ/, it was calm.

Standing in the open space between the forest and the lodge, Shouta could hear the frustrated screams of his students and see them strain themselves as they fought to improve their quirks. They may not be ready to fight villains, but they were ready to work hard to get there. Shouta will push them to be heroes great enough to survive whatever the world threw at them. But they weren't great yet, and they weren't ready.

From his position, Shouta could hear explosions as Bakugo plunged his hands into boiling hot water to expand his sweat glands, raising his hands to the sky and firing off the biggest explosion he could muster. This training exercise was twofold, the water would wash away the sweat that had accumulated beforehand, whilst training his sweat glands to expand quickly. Hopefully, with time, Bakugo would be able to create larger explosions without the need for an external stimulant. The world rarely gave out freebies for pro heroes after all.

Skimming his eyes to rest on another student, Shouto Todoroki, Shouta thought about the trouble they'd had to go through to come up with an exercise for the boy. As a Todoroki, his student had presumably been trained by every member of his family. His family who were all in the top 20. Such an advantage catapulted the boy to the top spot in the class ranks, and whilst typical hero legacies were only slightly better than some of their more talented peers, this year was different. Even compared to his fellow hero legacy, Tenya Iida, Shouto Todoroki stood head and shoulders above the rest of his classmates. There was a similar phenomenon with Natsuo Todoroki, who had graduated last year, but for Shouto Todoroki, the difference was only more obvious. Shouta supposes that it was probably because Shouto Todoroki was the baby of the family, and thus received training from his father and all of his siblings before him.

That made coming up with a training exercise much more complicated. Knowing that his family had most definitely trained him before UA, meant that almost all of the basic exercises they would have gone through would be meaningless. That was why he had the boy trying to replicate real life objects and people with his quirk. Shouta knew that Todoroki was capable of big displays of power with his quirk, but that meant his fine-tuning and precision work would be lacking. No matter how powerful a hero was, it was worthless if they couldn't control it. It wasn't that Todoroki couldn't control his power, but Shouta wanted to push him. Judging by the beads of sweat trailing down the boy's forehead, and the large scowl replacing his usually blank face, Shouta had been right. Todoroki was having trouble with the exercise.

Shouta always enjoyed seeing his students struggle a little to complete work, a trait he no doubt got from having Nezu as a teacher, but it meant that they were learning. And as their teacher, that was all he wanted.

Shouta had to quickly step out of the way as Tiger and Midoriya came a little too close with an ill-placed punch and kick combination. And there was that problem child. After what he overheard of that conversation between Todoroki and Midoriya, Shouta had kept an even closer eye on the bush-haired teen. From what he'd observed, Midoriya had very little control over his quirk. Super Power, Midoriya's quirk was mysterious. After some digging, Shouta had confirmed his student's claim. Midoriya had indeed gotten his quirk at the Entrance Exam. Unlike his peers, he didn't have 10 years to practice with his quirk. He was at a disadvantage.

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