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The vigilante Null was out again as the moon shone brightly in the dark sky. There was a drug deal going down tonight and Null was going to stop it. Whilst it wasn't as important as some other missions he and his fellow vigilantes had been on, he wasn't going to let trigger circulate in the underworld that easily. It had caused enough damage in the last timeline.

Jumping from roof to roof with the help of his self-made support weapon, Null was rapidly approaching his target. The deal was to be made in an abandoned building by the dock, a trade between some small-time villains and a yakuza group. As he traversed the city, Touya could feel the anticipation build inside him. Just like every other time he went out as Null, it brought a sense of exhilaration that just couldn't be replicated. His blood hummed in his veins as he readied himself for the mission.

Crouching on a roof, Null waited silently for the main players to arrive. The abandoned warehouse was empty, neither side of the trade had arrived yet so all Null could do was wait. He didn't have to wait for long.

Only 10 minutes since he settled on his perch in the rafters, some villains arrived. There were a strange combination of quirks, one obviously had some sort of spider mutation quirk, her eight eyes sending chills down Touya's spine. Her fingers were constantly moving, the threads between them glinting with a silver sheen in the dim lighting of the warehouse. The guy next to her didn't have a visible quirk, but there was something off about the way he held himself. For a villain who obviously depended on trigger to commit crimes, he stood confidently, his demeanor impatient, arms crossed over his chest in some form of control. How pathetic.

The others were a motley of mutation and possibly emitter quirks. It was another 5 minutes before the yakuza group finally arrived. They walked in, 10 in total with a short, stout man at the front. This must be the leader. Springing from his position, Touya jumped down to attack. To his surprise, as he was falling, he saw red eyes glint and the door burst open. Eraserhead and Amplifier had entered the building. Amplifier let out a scream through a microphone, making most of the villains collapse to the ground as Eraserhead handled the rest with his capture weapon. Null just stood in the corner. There was nothing for him to do. Just as he thought that, the windows of the warehouse all shattered and 30 yakuza members broke in. It was a trap.

Suddenly, it was pandemonium as quirks fired off from everywhere. Electricity buzzed in the air as Null, Eraserhead and Amplifier fought the yakuza members who had just arrived.

Inwardly, Null wondered who this trap was designed for. Was it for him? Or was it for the heroes that had shown up tonight? He didn't have time to continue to ponder that question as he ducked a quirk-enhanced punch that would've taken his head off. Nope. He really didn't have time for this. As Null and the heroes managed to reduce the yakuza's numbers to half, the yakuza seemed to realise they were losing. About time. Some started to pull out guns and fired them at the heroes. Null jumped to the side as a bullet whizzed by. He took down another two yakuza before a pained grunt caught his attention.

Momentarily letting his eyes stray from his fight, he was horrified to see Eraserhead with a hand clutched at his side, blood seeping through his fingers. He could tell the man was fighting through the pain as he continued to weave between the villains, white capture weapon how stained with splotches of red. There were now only 5 yakuza members left as Null and Amplifier fought side by side to protect Eraserhead, who was rapidly slowing. They'd need to get him to a hospital as soon as possible. As soon as he thought that, another pained scream stole his attention away from the fight. Amplifier was slumped on the ground as a knife made its way into her side. Shit. Touya needed to finish this fight as soon as possible.

Unleashing a series of punches and kicks, Null finally managed to fell the rest of the yakuza. Breathing a sigh of relief in the moment of respite, Touya fished a cell phone from one of the fallen yakuza members and called the police. They would need to arrest these guys before they woke up and ran away.

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