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A/N: Here's an earlier update because I have a flight to catch tomorrow-


The day of the Sports Festival came by quickly. The week of training with his dad had left Shouto feeling confident and prepared for anything that could happen. Both parts of his family had come to watch him. His half-siblings had even taken the day off in order to come support him! Shouto felt overwhelming happiness as he got ready with his class. Touya and Natsuo had ruffled his hair this morning before dropping him off with his classmates and Fuyumi had given him a hug of good luck. They really were the best siblings he could ask for. Sometimes he forgot that they weren't fully related. But that doesn't really matter. They're his siblings either way.


The stands were packed as Touya settled in his seat with Tenko, Rei, Enji, and the older Todoroki kids. Somehow, Ingenium had been roped into joining them. Touya knew his kids had become good friends with many other heroes, but he hadn't expected for them to become friends with this hero. From his memory of the last timeline, Ingenium had been one of Stain's many victims. The news had reported that he was forced to retire from hero work on account of his injuries, which left him paralysed from the waist down so Touya had never fought him either. He didn't know what to make of the speed hero.

According to his kids, they'd had to drag the hero from his work for the day. As funny as that image was, he wouldn't put it past his kids. They could be annoyingly stubborn when it came to something they were passionate about. It was a wonder they'd still not found his recipe book despite it not moving from its place on his bookshelf.

The aforementioned hero was shifting in his seat as Tenko and Touya teased him.

"Oh, come on Tensei!" Touya (his younger self) poked the other man with a mischievous smile on his face. From his peripheral vision, Touya could see Enji stiffen when he too saw the look on his younger self's face. They both knew that look. Touya was going to do something incredibly chaotic, or incredibly stupid. Maybe both.

"Want to make a bet?" Incredibly chaotic it is then. Pending decision on whether it'll be stupid.

"What bet?" Ingenium asked, and Touya couldn't help but feel pity for the hero. He trusted Touya a little too much for anyone who valued their health and dignity.

"I bet Shouto will go further than Tenya in the Sports Festival." Touya (his younger self) said as he stared into Ingenium's eyes. It was as if he was daring the bluenette to argue with him. Ingenium rose to the bait.

"As much as I respect you all as heroes, Touya, I have faith in my little brother. He's going to wipe the floor with little Shouto." Obviously, the hero was confident in his little brother's abilities, if not a little too doting in his assessment. Unfortunately, he failed to see the brief flash of a smirk on Touya's (his younger self's) face. If he had, maybe he would have rethought his next words.

"I'll take you up on your bet, Touya! What are the stakes?"

"How about..." His younger self made a show of thinking through his choices, but Touya knew the little gremlin probably had an idea in mind before he even proposed the bet.

"How about loser has to wear a skirt on their next patrol?" He asked innocently. Ingenium made a face at the stakes.

"I don't know..." his voice trailed off.

"Awww! Come on, Tensei!" Touya clapped him on the back as the man struggled to stay upright.

"Didn't you say you had faith in your little brother?" Tenko joined in the teasing.

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