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Katsuki was stood by the extras as Shitty Hair and Dunce Face bragged about how they'd managed to face a bunch of other extras and some Shiketsu idiot.

He was saved from having to listen for the FIFTH TIME about how Dunce Face electrocuted the bastard. Honestly, he didn't understand what Dunce Face was even so proud of. From what he heard, Creation Bitch came up with the plan and executed it. Dunce Face was little more than a glorified electrical socket.

Katsuki could give credit where it's due, but Dunce Face shouldn't have been taling big when the person who deserved the most credit remained silent. It was just disrespectful.

He was about to tell Dunce Face to shut up when an announcement rung through the room. A sleepy-eyed fucker stood on stage and addressed them.

"In light of All Might's retirement, villains have become more confident, and crime rates have risen. To combat this, the HPSC has ensured that the next generation of heroes will be put to the test and trained to be competent enough to enter the field." Then, the fucker smiled. It wasn't a nice smile. That smile was deranged. One that shouldn't ever see the light of day.

Katsuki was a little disturbed when the bastard chuckled softly. To be honest, the fact that there was a microphone in front of his face, made any noise that the creepy fuck made 100 times louder, but Katsuki could imagine that sound being in a horror game. One that alerted the player that something bad was going to happen.

And he was right.

"The events of Kamino Ward have proven that heroes need to be stronger than ever."

Katsuki ignored the stares from some of the extras around him as he continued to listen.

"-but a hero doesn't just fight."

An explosion rattled the ground and sent a few extras stumbling forward.

There was a commotion before Katsuki looked back up at the stage.

The HPSC fucker was gone.

Sirens blared as a robotic voice cut through the mayhem.

"You are heroes dispatched after a villain attack. Rescue the victims and neutralise any remaining threats."

Damn it.

More explosions sounded as the screaming began.


The explosions grew louder, each one sounding clearer, no doubt they were detonating nearer to where they were currently standing.

Fuck. They needed to get moving.


When the explosions started, Shouto did his best to clear his head.

If he wanted to be of any use in this situation, he needed to stay calm. He could deal with this. Touya and Fuyumi had gone over rescue situations during his internship!

Breathing in and out slowly, Shouto gradually brought himself down from the panic he'd felt at the shock of the sudden start of the second stage of the exam.

Once he was able to think properly, Shouto immediately saw through the HPSC's ploy. It was odd that they wouldn't announce the start of the second stage. Even more suspicious when he considered how abruptly the explosions had started.

Shouto took a moment to survey his surroundings. Some students, like him were doing the same, whilst others ran straight into the mayhem without stopping to think.

It was weed out those who couldn't handle the high stress situations a hero worked in. If they lost their mind at the explosions and ran in without a plan, it could cause them, as well as others to become casualties,

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