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Touya knew that the LOV were working with the Shie Hassaikai, but he didn't expect them to be this involved. All around him, Nomu were fighting the heroes as Overhaul-the bastard stood on his pedestal watching over them.

Touya felt like a dog being forced to fight for onlookers. It was like they were the performance and Overhaul was the observer. It was demeaning.

In a corner, he could see the little girl they were meant to be protecting- Eri cowering behind Lemillion's cape. The red fabric was torn in multiple places, and the edges had obviously been ripped by...something, but Eri held onto the rag like a lifeline.

With how tiny the little girl was, the scrap of material was almost enough to completely cover her, leaving only the top of her head exposed. She was so little.

She trembled as she clutched onto the bright red fabric, her tiny fists balled into the cloth as she shook in terror.

"Eri. Stop your ridiculous fight and come here. You're just causing everyone trouble." Overhaul shouted at the little girl over the chaos, and Touya grit his teeth as he cremated one of the Nomu about to tackle him.

"Can't you see that you're just causing all these people pain with your curse?!" Touya finally broke away from fighting the Nomu long enough to turn to face the little girl-Eri only to stop as she stumbled to her feet.

She was so frail. Riddled with bandages and small scrapes, Touya felt the roar of flames in him raise to new heights when she tried-oh god-she tried to go back to her tormentor. Fear shone in her eyes, her whole body shook as she raised her face to look at Overhaul.

"W-Will they be ok if I go?" She asked, trembling hands clasped in each other in a futile attempt to comfort herself.

"Of course, Eri. Now be a good girl and come here." Touya's blood ran cold as Eri nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks, and started to move towards the villain.

"Everything will be ok!" She said, as if reaffirming what Overhaul had told her.

This little girl was about to sacrifice herself for them. And if Touya let her, he would never forgive himself. Throwing himself forward, Touya bundled the little girl into his arms, making sure that he wasn't hurting her before turning back to the bastard that had just told a little girl that she wasn't worth saving.


Touya had to duck to avoid a spike of concrete coming for his head. For the next few minutes, Touya ducked and dodged to avoid each spike as they tried to skewer him. He was doing well with the girl in his arms. Neither he, nor Eri had even gotten so much as a nick!

But Touya wasn't going to let Eri stay in the potential crossfire. And that was where Touya made his biggest regret.

Touya thought he had the time. He thought he could turn around for a second to settle Eri somewhere so that he could face Overhaul without having to worry about her getting hurt.

Touya should've remembered one of the first rules his dad had taught him.

Never turn your back on the opponent. For any reason.


Hearing Fuyumi's scream, Touya whirled around, ready to do anything to defend her...only for a spike of concrete to almost flash in front of him. He didn't have time to dodge or move out of the way. He was going to die.

Bracing himself for the overwhelming pain, Touya relaxed his muscles. This was going to hurt.

But it didn't. Warm arms held him for a moment before Touya was shoved out of the way. A splatter of blood sprayed onto his face as Touya stared...wide-eyed at the vigilante who had saved him.

TIME TRAVEL - I ADOPT A BUNCH OF BRATSWhere stories live. Discover now