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After receiving the tip-off from Detective Tsukauchi, Mirai immediately made plans to contact Trailblazer, Thermis, and Jack Frost.

"Hello, this is the Fire Bird Agency! How may we help you today?" A cheery voice answered the phone. Mirai glanced down at the papers on his desk before speaking, making sure to give the assistant only the most basic information. He'd discuss the rest with the heroes later.

"This is Sir Nighteye, I have some important information for Trailblazer, Thermis, and Jack Frost. When they return from patrols, get them to call me back. Thank you." Without giving the assistant time to say anything else, Mirai ended the call. Now, before he spoke with them, he'd have to reorganise his information. He'd need to have everything prepared before he invited the gremlins into the Overhaul case.

It wasn't even the end of the day before Mirai got a call back.

"Nighteye! You really have to stop calling me Trailblazer! No one calls me that but YOU!" Touya Todoroki spoke accusingly, but Mirai could hear a hint of jest in his voice.

"It's your name, brat. It's the one your Hero License is listed under." Mirai tried to stay serious, but the precocious brat was too good at getting a rise out of him.

"Come on, Old Man! You're the only one that ever calls me that! Just call me Blaze! Or are you too old to remember that? Should I start calling the retirement homes?"

Mirai had to bite his lip in order to stop himself from spitting back a retort. No. Getting into an argument now would not be a smart move. They had a mission to complete. He could yell at the brat later.

"Todoroki. This is serious." The switch to the hero's last name caught Trailblazer's attention, and the hero student Mirai had mentored back then came to the surface.

"Tell me everything, Nighteye." There was no trace of humour in his voice as Trailblazer adopted his hero persona.

"Come over to my agency, and bring Thermis, Jack Frost and Midas. This isn't something I can discuss over the phone." Mirai didn't want to take any chances with this mission, and that meant information needed to be presented in person. The situation was getting too delicate to act carelessly.

"Roger that. We'll be there soon." Trailblazer's voice was clipped as he spoke, and then the call ended. Now, Mirai will have to wait for them to arrive.

"Bubble Girl, set up the meeting room!" He called out to his sidekick as she nodded, walking out of the room.


Touya felt an odd sense of trepidation heading to Nighteye's Agency. The last time he was here was for his internship during second year, it had been a while since he saw his old mentor in this setting. Beside him, Fuyumi straightened up, ready to walk into whatever meeting Nighteye had most likely set up.

"It's time to go." He told his siblings as they walked in. Bubble Girl met them at the entrance.

"Long time no see, Blaze! Sir is waiting for you in conference room 2! You still remember where it is right?" Touya nodded. He'd spent a good many hours in that room, Nighteye had taught him in that room many times. Whatever strategy he hadn't learnt from dad, he'd learnt from Nighteye.

Walking through the doors and into the familiar room gave Touya a sense of deja vu. It felt like only yesterday, he'd been a young hero hopeful, fighting for the chance to make his dreams reality. It was strange to think that he'd already made it. Before he could do anything else, Nighteye cleared his throat and Touya looked up.

"We need to combine our missions, so I'm formally requesting a merge." Nighteye stated bluntly as every other eye in the room shot up to meet his.

"Is there a reason why that is happening, Nighteye?" Touya was all serious as he asked his ex-mentor.

TIME TRAVEL - I ADOPT A BUNCH OF BRATSWhere stories live. Discover now