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The morning of the Provisional Licensing Exam saw both first year heroics classes meeting at the buses. Each bus would take them to a separate location, but it didn't stop them from conversing through their anxiety. It was calm until-

"TODOROKI!" A loud, boisterous boy from Class 1B approached the bicoloured boy, a grin threatening to split his face as he barrelled towards his target.


To Todoroki's credit, he was able to dodge the rambunctious boy that had tried to attack him. Sadly, it didn't deter his would-be assailant as the tall boy just continued to try to get close to him. This resulted in both boys playing a strange version of "keep away", Todoroki doing his best to create as much distance as he could as Yoarashi used his winds to propel himself forward.

It was a comedic sight for everyone who wasn't Todoroki or Yoarashi. Comedic yet awe-inspiring. As Todoroki ducked and dodged the taller boy, he created ice platforms, blasting himself towards them with concentrated bursts of fire. Yoarashi seemed completely at ease in the air as he followed the 1A student.

"TODOROKI! I JUST WANT TO TALK!" Yoarashi kept yelling over the loud noise of his own winds, but with the fast-paced movements, he was unable to control the winds to both carry his voice and fly. He could do either well on their own, but altogether was still a challenge. As passionate as Yoarashi claimed he was, he was not stupid. Falling out of the sky because he wanted to be louder was a waste of the passionate words he had formed in his mind.

If he were to fall, the youngest Todoroki wouldn't ever respect him!

So Yoarashi continued to chase Shouto around in the sky. Doing his best to tackle the red-and-white boy in order to stop him from running away.


Class 1A and Class 1B watched on as their classmates shot through the sky, one controlling the winds and the other using his flames to propel himself away from the other. Their teachers exchanged equal looks of confusion and annoyance at the interruption.

"Eraser!" And just as one, Shouta Aizawa thought his day couldn't get worse-

"It's Miss Joke!" The green gremlin of his class announced her presence, but Shouta already knew the bane of his existence was already here. Her voice haunted his worst nightmares. HOW DID SHE EVEN GET HERE?!

His answer was given in the form of a text. As his phone dinged, Shouta stared down in horror as Nezu's contact stared back at him. He had invited her to say hello to Shouta before they left.

Damn rat.

"Marry me Eraser!" Emi Fukukado cheered as Shouta desperately tried to find a way to escape the situation he found himself in. It was too late. Arms wrapped around him as Shouta resigned himself to his fate. He was going to put rat poison into the principal's tea one of these days. Screw the consequences.

"No." As always, Fukukado began laughing uproariously as Shouta shot a look at Vlad.

'Help me.' His eyes practically screamed, but to his disgust, his coworker just shot him a grin before turning away. As if he couldn't see Shouta's current distress. Shouta would get his revenge. Once he found a way out of this situation, Vlad would have to sleep with one eye open.

Glaring at Vlad, Shouta hid his grin as the man visibly flinched. Good. Be afraid Kan. Be afraid.

Luckily, a scream in the distance gave Shouta an opportunity to slip away.

So Todoroki and Yoarashi fighting as a godsend after all. For once, Shouta might actually be lucky.

Happy to have a legitimate reason to get away from Fukukado's grasp, Shouta practically ran to his problem child.

TIME TRAVEL - I ADOPT A BUNCH OF BRATSWhere stories live. Discover now