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"Thank you for introducing me to your work study Mirio-senpai!" A cheery broccoli said next to his senpai as they walked to the Nighteye Agency.

They'd only been told about their work studies by their senpais, last week, but with All Might's recommendation and Mirio-senpai's encouragement, Izuku was on his way to requesting Sir Nighteye to take him on as an intern. As someone All Might had trusted for so long, and someone who actually knew about OFA, Izuku had no doubt that Sir Nighteye would be the mentor that helped him grow the most. The fact that Gran Torino couldn't take him for Work Studies due to being largely retired helped his choice. Sir Nighteye was really the only person that could help him master OFA now, and Izuku knew that he had to seize the chance now that he had it.


Shouto would later deny that he pouted as he glared at his siblings.

"Why won't you take me on as a work study student?" Shouto asked again as Touya kept signing off on his paperwork. His eldest brother didn't even look at him!

"I've already told you Shouto. We have a very important mission that we need to prepare for. We don't have time to babysit you."

"I'm not a baby!"

Touya gave Shouto a dead-eyed look as Shouto tried his best not to fidget under his brother's gaze. Touya didn't say anything, but kept staring at Shouto. In that moment, Shouto couldn't help but notice the similarities between Nabe and Touya even more.

Over the years, Touya had grown taller and bigger. His frame conditioned regularly by his training and hero work, leaving him with lean muscle; Shouto could still remember what Touya had looked like when they were still kids. Gangly and slightly awkward, though the potential was always there. Just like his dad, Shouto knew that Touya would be every bit as handsome as Nabe.

And he was right. As the years passed, and Touya grew, so did the number of similarities between him and Nabe. From the facial features to the figure, Touya resembled his biological father so much that they could have been twins. Nabe looked young for his age, the man was old enough to be Touya's father, (Shouto thinks the man should be in his 40s, but had never confirmed, he could be in his 50s for all Shouto knows, but he doubted it) but could have easily been mistaken for a university student. When Shouto had asked, Nabe had told him something about being born prematurely, yet another trait that he and Touya shared. It must have been biological. Not that Shouto knew anything about that.


Touya groaned again as his youngest brother kept pestering him over internships. Didn't Shouto understand that they were busy?!

More information had come in about the Overhaul case, and it all needed to be reviewed. The towers of paperwork that Touya had to look through alone were insane, nevermind the meetings and briefings he had to attend. Sometimes, Touya wished he just settled down and worked a normal job at his dad's cafe. It would have been so relaxing. No worries about how every mistake would kill someone, every second wasted another person hurt. Living a life like his dad would have been so much easier.

But whenever he looked at someone he'd saved, he couldn't help but be overcome with emotions. He felt happy whenever he managed to save another person. And that was a feeling he'd never give up.

He could imagine himself working at the cafe. It was easy when he already helped out sometimes. What he couldn't imagine, was ever not being a hero.

"Touyaaaaaaa!" Shouto voice came out as a whine, and Touya grit his teeth as his little brother once again clung to him.

Whatever Fuyumi had told him when he was younger had stuck. And Shouto was currently trying to use the puppy eyes on him. It wasn't cute. Not at all. But god was it effective. Shouto looked constipated. It wasn't cute, but it might make him break anyways, if only to stop his little brother from shoving his face into Touya's sight again.

"Touya! Pleaseeeeeeee!" Ignore it Touya.

"I could help!" No, you wouldn't.

"You took me on as an intern before!" That was different.

"I promise, I'll be able to help! Touya, please!" Ignore.

Shouto must've realised that what he was saying wasn't working, because he defaulted back to what he did best.

Annoy the hell out of Touya.

"Touyaaaaaaaa! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!" Touya tried to ignore it.

"Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!"

"FINE!" Touya finally gave in. It wasn't worth it to keep denying the brat. Whatever distraction he'd be during the mission wasn't going to compare to the annoyance he is now.

Shouto grinned in victory, and Touya had to fight the urge to smack the smug look off his face.

From behind his back, Shouto pulled out a form. How long has he had that?!

Glaring at the gremlin he called a younger sibling, Touya signed it off. At least Shouto could learn from this mission.


Null cursed as he gripped his broken arm. The mission was a failure.

Someone had ratted them out.

It was just supposed to be an easy raid. The Doctor had a warehouse of supplies here that needed to be burned to the ground. They were supposed to just get in and get out.

When Null and the Musutafu Vigilantes had arrived at the warehouse, it had been quiet. Normal. But the moment they'd gotten inside...

There were multiple Nomu, of all shapes and sizes laying in wait.

The Doctor had prepared for them to arrive. He was planning on killing them all.

Null and the others had barely managed to escape with their lives. The explosions and sounds of fighting had alerted nearby heroes and police, which made escaping all the more difficult.

Whoever sold them out had wanted to fuck them over. This plan was meant to give them no chance of survival. They'd either be killed by the Nomu, or arrested by the heroes and police that arrived.

Null had known that the Doctor hated them. Wanted them gone as their meddling had slowed his research and progress with the Nomu to a snail's pace. It was no wonder he wanted them eliminated so badly.

Staggering on his feet, Null made his way back home.

The mission's failure weighed on him like sandbags.

Damn it. Why couldn't he do anything right?! He should have known that informant was sketchy! He was usually so thorough with screening the information, so why did he forget now?!

Null knew the answer. He'd gotten too complacent. Life was too perfect.

And Touya could never be happy.


AN: This will primarily be posted on AO3 so for early updates, please check out my story at 

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