Chapter one; A new story unfolds

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A stranger is what people call me, an anomaly who only arrives after disaster strikes, I was determined to stay here for the rest of my life but as soon as I leave to explore and come back, the whole country is gone. Including the man who made me smile every day, Wilbur.

I ride quietly into the ruins of L'manburg, my horse kicking up debris and dust that had finally settled on the uneven terrain. The strong scent of gunpowder still lurking around in the air fills my nostrils as I look around "god, what a fucking hell hole has become of my home"

As I lower myself off of my steed I try to remember what this country once was. A nice country with Wilbur and his brother as the leaders. All I remember happening before I left to travel was a election for the next leaders of L'manberg.

I arrive at the spot where my home once was, now burnt to ashes with only a few singed flowers and pastries left behind. "Damn... my sticky buns.." I pick up the burnt remains of a sticky bun that's now coated in rubble and ashes.

I walk back to my horse and I sigh "I guess I'll go back to Technoblade's house. He won't mind if I go over" I get onto the horse and I start riding her to Techno's home in the snowy biomes. As I start getting closer to the colder land I pull on a cloak that was given to me by Wilbur before I had left.

By time I arrive it's nighttime and mobs start to come out. I draw my sword as I put my horse with Carl. I run towards technos house and I knock until he opens the door. "Heh..? (Y/N)..? What are you doing here?" He questions, looking down at me.

"If I make you sweets can I stay with you? My home was kinda blown up" I sheepishly rub the back of my neck as he looks me up and down. "Fine, but you owe me a couple apple pies for this" he sighs and I hug him.

"It's a deal!"

Wine red (Revivebur x reader)Where stories live. Discover now