Chapter two; apple pies

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After Technoblade lets me in I sit down on his couch, pulling my notebook out of my pouch. I start flipping through the pages of recipes and my notes on them, I stop on a page of apple crumble pies with the note "techno likes this with gapples" written beside the recipe. I sigh, get up, and walk to the enderchest opening it and looking at all my cooking supplies.

I pull out all the items needed to bake the pie. I cut the apples, carefully peeling them before mixing them with sugar, cornstarch, and a bunch of different spices. I then set the cut and seasoned gapples in the furnace to bake off a little and thicken up. I make the pie crust and then the crumble that rests on top and once the apples were soft I toss them in with some extra cinnamon sugar. After I finish prepping the pie I pop it in the furnace to bake all the way through.

As the pie bakes, I hear technoblade come from the other room. A quiet chuckle emanates from deep in his chest. "You're already making the pie for me?" He says with a hint of amusement playing around in his tone. I nod and laugh quietly.

"I didn't want to forget so better to make it now and have it done than to break a promise" a slight smile on my face.

The aroma of apples and baked dough starts to fill the air. Of course, it seeps into his second house and Philza walks over and sniffs the air "man techno you're making pie and didn't even offer me a slice?" He lets outs a hearty laugh and smiles until he looks at me.

"Oh.. mate... you must be stranded now" Phil says pulling me into a hug. His hugs always comforted me especially when Philza would wrap his large and fluffy wings around me.

"Phil...Where's Wilbur?" I ask, a nervous hint to my voice. Techno and Phil look at each other with the same knowing look. One that says the worst has come but has not yet passed.

"(Y/N)... Wilbur is dead..." Phil mutters
out. I pray that I hadn't heard him correctly but as I examine his expression I can tell he's not lying. "! That can't be true! He promised me that he would be waiting for me when I came back!" Tears flood my eyes as I beg to XD that what I had just heard wasn't true.

I yank myself out of Phil's comforting hug and I bolt out the door, my vision blurred with the tears that threatened to fall at any second. I didn't know where I would go, I just need to get far away from everyone. I untie the lead from around my horse and I scramble up, riding her deep into the woods and out of the snowy biome I now call home.

Once I find a place to stop it's already close to sunrise. I get off of her and I tie her lead to a tree, taking in the view of where I stopped. I sigh as I realize that I had subconsciously ridden to the place where Wilbur had vowed to stay with me for the rest of my life.

~*<flashback started, 3rd person>*~

"Come on, (Y/N)!! You're going to miss the sunrise!!" A young Wilbur exclaims as he tugs an exhausted (Y/N) to a hill that had trees that perfectly framed the early morning sun peeking through for the first time that day.

"Okay okay! I'm awake Wilbur! Why did you wake me up this early anyways..?" (Y/N) asks, rubbing her eyes with her long-sleeved shirt. "It's something that I haven't even shown Tommy! It's that special to me!!" Wilbur flails his arms in a melodramatic way to try to show the importance of seeing what he had to show you.

A young and youthfully innocent (Y/N) saw the importance of seeing something Wilbur had never shown anyone else and woke right up, catching up to the brunette. A minute of walking later the two stop at the top of the hill, staring at the view of the sun starting to peek above the horizon.

It was such a beautiful view. The sky changed into a deep orange color as (Y/N) leans on Wilbur. She had liked him for a while now but she never could tell him as there were more important things to think about for a child. The two of them shared a comfortable silence as the sky turns from orange to pink to blue.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Wilbur looks down at her as she hums in response "I want to make a promise with you." he declares with such confidence.

"Oh? What is it, Will?" (Y/N) asks with an inquisitive tone in her voice. "I promise I will stay with you for the rest of our lives! You're my best friend and I can't just lose you!" Wilbur speaks with a cheeky grin on his face.

Of course, that changed over the years. As they became teenagers Wilbur wanted to create his own country with his brothers. His adopted brother, Technoblade didn't like the idea of government and had stated that he was anti-government but Tommy, was all in on the idea of becoming president with his brother.

(Y/N) on the other hand, had found the beauty in traveling and exploring new lands. She would go far away to find places that she had never seen before. Every once in a while Techno would join (Y/N) which one of their many travels they found the snowy biome that now is his home

As they continue to get older Wilbur and Tommy made L'manberg and Techno stood with his ideals of being anti-government. (Y/N) continued her travels across the world. Her travels would start to turn sour when she would arrive in different countries and they would be destroyed. From corrupt leaders to mass culling, there was nothing she hadn't seen. There was one thing that she could always come back to though. That being Wilbur and his family.

After a few years of staying in L'manberg, (Y/N) had decided to go on a new adventure. Leaving as there are debates on an election.

~*<Flashback ended, 1st person>*~

I sigh quietly as I watch the sky change colors, wishing that Wilbur was with me. Tears slip my cheeks as I reminisce over memories.

"(Y/N)? why are you crying? Do you need some blue?" a soft yet familiar voice spoke causing me to turn around quickly


(A/N: Wow sorry that took so long to post! I got incredibly distracted for a long time  and finally got back into writing! I'm gonna try to make this as much as a slow burn as I can but I had to add that the reader is a SIMP for Wilbur even when they were young 💅 but what should I add to the next chapter? I'm thinking more childhood friend world building (and matching best friend bracelets for all the Minecraft family) because I'm a sucker for childhood best friends becoming distant then enemies then to lovers!
I hope everyone is having a good day/night! I'm going to bed haha!

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