Chapter three; A Ghost of Someone I Love

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When I turn around it feels as if the world stops spinning. The man I care so much for standing in front of me. The tips of his fingers are stained blue and a large cut on his abdomen is seeping blue as if he's bleeding. He seems to fade in and out of reality as he floats in front of me.

"(Y/N)! I'm so glad to see you are okay!" He pulls me into a hug and I feel a chill go through my body as he is very cold. Tears well up in my eyes as I hold him close. I never thought I would have to see the one person I love as a ghost of himself.

"I'm fine but Will, are you okay??" I pull away from the hug to take a look at his ghostly attributes. His once brown eyes are a milky white. His eyes seem to be leaking a blue fluid comparable to tears but staining my skin when I try to wipe it away. Everything seems so different but the one thing that didn't change is his smile. The warm smile lit up my heart like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

"I'm better than ever, (Y/N)! I'm so glad to see you again. I missed you so much!" he scoops me up in a bridal-style grasp and spins me around, laughing joyously. I couldn't help but laugh and smile with him as he slowly stops spinning me. "Will you come home with me, (Y/N)?" Wilbur looks at me with an expecting gaze. I take a deep breath and I get out of Wilbur's hold on me, walking to my steed.

I reach into one of the pouches I had sewn onto her saddle and I grab a piece of parchment and a quill already loaded with ink. I write a note to Philza and technoblade telling them that I found Wilbur and that I'm going to be with him for a little while as I missed him even if he is a ghost now. I whistle a small tune and a crow lands on my arm. I give the crow my note and I tell it to take the note to Phil and techno. It nods and flies off towards the land of snow and bitter cold.

Wilbur ushers me back to my horse and I climb up. He takes the lead and walks with me and my steed in tow. As he walks he hums a tune that lulls me to sleep

~<(Y/N)'s dream>~

I walk quietly down a flight of stairs and step onto a train platform. Once I take the last step my outfit changes into a deep sparkling red dress the color of the finest wine. The neckline plunged to just above my navel. I wear a necklace that looks like blood drips down my neck and a ring that looks like a ruby teardrop on my wedding band finger.

I look behind me to see the stairs that I had descended are now gone. I turn around and I see Wilbur playing solitaire wearing a deep blue suit stained red from the bleeding wound on his stomach. On his wedding band finger is a ring that looks like mine but with a thicker band.

"Hello Wilbur," I speak calmly. He looks toward me and smiles. "Hello, my (N/N)" Wilbur stands up and takes my hand, kissing it softly. "I never thought I would see you here. Even if it's just for a short amount of time. So, shall we dance?" as he asks the question, some disembodied music plays

I nod and take his hand, pulling him into a slow dance. As we dance he hums to the tune that's playing from nowhere. My head resting on his shoulder as I hum along with him. As we continue to dance he spins and dips me. As he drops me into the dip I look into his eyes. He has the same brown eyes that reminded me of drinking hot chocolate on a bitter winter night but there was a coldness behind his gaze now.

As he pulls me back up from the dip he leans in to kiss me and I don't stop him. As he presses his lips against mine it feels as if my heart is being lit aflame. A warm spreading from my heart throughout my body. As he pulls away he whispers in my ear "please treat Ghostbur well, (Y/N). I'll be back as soon as I can. Now, wake up"

I close my eyes and it feels as if the ground opens up and swallows me whole.

"I'll miss you, my (N/N)"

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