Chapter Nine; The Execution

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~<Technoblade's POV>~
~<Three days Later>~
I silently gather my weapons and my totem of undying as I prepare to gather Phil and (Y/N) from their imprisonment. I look at myself in the mirror and I sigh. All I wanted was to be peaceful and not have to fight anymore.

After some time I hear some people whisper yelling outside and Carl making strained noises. I bolt outside to see Quackity and the rest of the butcher gang holding a sword to Carl's neck. I freeze in my place as Quackity spits out "Follow us or Carl gets it" I stand my ground and growl out "I won't go anywhere unless you release (Y/N) and Phil."

The group of people look at each other and finally, Tubbo says "fine. Let's go Ranboo" as the two leave Quackity starts tying my hands in front of me and then he starts dragging me off like some pet. I look behind me as they put my horse back into his safe spot and I sigh a quiet sigh of relief.

As they walk me to where they want me I see a dirty and disheveled (Y/N) being taken out of a house and the same with Phil although he's less disheveled from being in his own home. I look at the two of them as I'm put into a cage. I feel the totem in my pocket as I watch Tubbo and Quackity say their boring speeches.

After a few moments of chaos, I hear Tubbo yelling "PULL THE LEVER BIG Q!!" As I hear that my heart sinks as I grip the totem in my pocket. I hear the lever flip and I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and bracing for


Darkness consumes me for half a moment and I see a glimpse of someone familiar to me through a passing train window. In that passing glimpse, I hear a noise that sounded like Wilbur saying "techno?". A flash of blinding brightness causes me to open my eyes. I jump out of the cage gathering (Y/N) and Phil as we both run back to my home in the icy woods. Barely halfway there (Y/N) collapses. I pick her up and look at Phil. "We need to get her warmed up and fed, quick." Phil helps me take off my cape and wraps it around the sleeping (Y/N).

We speedily arrive home and I place the sleeping and dirty (Y/N) on my couch. As I grab a warm and wet towel Phil starts a fire to warm the house. I wash off her face and arms of the dirt and grime on her body, frowning as the rag gets grimey very quickly. After a few minutes, (Y/N) wakes up. I sigh a quiet sigh of relief and Phil hands her a cup of slightly warm hot cocoa.

She sips on the cocoa quietly and I hear from outside Quackity yelling my name. I look at my two guests and I grab my pickaxe. I walk outside to see Quackity holding an axe threateningly. I grip my pick and I frown. "Leave me alone Quackity. I don't want to hurt you" I walk toward him, softly gripping my pickaxe in a non-threatening stance. Once I got a little closer Quackity lunges at me with his axe prepared to strike.

I leap out of the way and analyze Quackity's stance. He charges towards me with his axe above his head. I yell towards him "I have this pickaxe and I'm gonna put it through your fucking teeth Quackity!" he doesn't heed my warning and swings at me. I catch the axe with my pick and I throw it away from him.

Quackity stares at me frozen in horror as I change my swinging stance and plunge the pickaxe through his jaw then up and out of his eye. The sound of bones crunching falls deaf upon my ears. He collapses into a battered and bloody heap on the ground and I step back, walking back toward my home.

Time to prepare (Y/N) to see her partner.

(A/N: I'm so sorry for being gone for a while! I just got a new job and I'm still trying to get into the swing of things. I'm balancing writing and working evenly and still trying to have enough time to spend with my partner and my friends. I'm going to try to post at least every two months and at most post monthly! I hope y'all like this chapter and I'm already starting writing ideas for the next chapter!)
(Quick edit to make the chapter look cleaner <3)

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