Chapter Ten; The Reunion

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~<(Y/N)'s POV>~
I quietly stare at the hot cocoa in my hands, still gaining my grounding after knocking out on the way home. I hear Technoblade open the door to his house and I look over at him. I see his pickaxe covered in blood and a little skin and hair. I shudder a little and look back down at the cocoa.

Techno walks over to me and places his cloak over my shoulders and I look up at him. He smiles a little and mutters "you need to rest, (Y/N). I'll make you some food while you rest and I'll wake you when it's done" I nod quietly and I set down the half finished hot cocoa. I lay down and wrap technos cape around me. My eyes close and my vision fades into a finally peaceful slumber.

~<A nap later>~

I open my eyes and look around to see Phil and Techno eating and discussing something I couldn't quite hear. I sit up and stretch, eliciting a few pops in a loud grown from myself. When they hear me stir they stop talking and Techno walks over to me with a plate of chicken and baked potatoes. He sits next to me and smiles gently "hey you need to eat because later on someone wants to see you"

I pause and wonder who would want to see me until I realize I hadn't seen ghostbur since I was kidnapped and thrown into that dirty little basement prison. My heart starts pounding a little as I grab the plate and start eating happily. Techno laughs and jokingly states "if you eat that too fast you'll be a ghost with him!" He smiles as I slow down and stare at him with a small grin

Phil walks out of the house and I look at techno. "He's going to go get Will since it's a really long walk and i know you want to probably see him as soon as possible" he says. I nod quietly and finish the meal that techno had graciously served to me. After I wash up the dishes I walk to the bathroom with a bucket of hot water and I throw it into the tub. After a few seconds of standing and wondering what I was missing I realize and go grab a change of clothes.

I peel off the grime-covered clothes and then I look at myself in the mirror. I grimace and look away, walking back to the tub. I step in and I wash all the dirt and grime off of my body, shuddering as I wash my slightly bloody scalp. After a short amount of time I step out of the bath and I open the drain that goes to water the plants on technos property. I dry my hair then I get dressed into my favorite comfy clothes.

When I walk out of the bathroom techno sits me down and grabs his spare hairbrush and brushes out all the tangles then he puts the bow detangled hair into a braided bun. I look at him and smile "thank you Techno" he smiles back and says "anytime. But like. Don't ask for me to." I lift an eyebrow and then the two of us burst into laughter.

After a few boring and incredibly long hours of waiting I hear the door open and I turn around, coming face to face with my Ghostbur. I all but calmly get out of the chair, practically launching myself towards him. Tears swell in my eyes as he runs towards me and we meet in a tender and tear filled embrace.

The ghost looks at me and exclaims "(Y/N)!! I thought I'd never see you again!! I missed you so much!" His cool hands caressing my warm and tear stained face brings me a sense of comfort as I excitedly speak back "I missed you too Ghostie! I'm so sorry that I couldn't get back to you sooner!" He looks into my eyes and smiles warmly. I wish I could read his mind and know what's going through his head. He doesn't look mad. I'm so glad that he's okay.

As I get lost in my train of thought he leans in and kisses me, his soft and cool lips snapping my brain to the moment. It feels as if time stops and my brain fills with memories of the past. A dream I had in a train station with a version of Wilbur not familiar to me. The feeling of fireworks and the happily brain numbing feeling is all the same as the dream though. Was it really a dream though..?

As Ghostie pulls away I look at him and he starts speaking quickly and nervously "(Y/N) I know it's way too soon but I want to ask you this because I've come to learn how afraid of losing you I am. I want to spend the rest of our days together in bliss but I have to ask this question. Will you, (Y/N), marry me?"

My heart swells with joy even thought it's so soon into our relationship. "Yes!! Absolutely I will!!"

Now it's time to plan a wedding.

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