Chapter Four; Childhood Crushes and Soft Friends

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I wake up in the morning to the smell of freshly cooked turkey bacon. I sit up and get out of bed, walking to the kitchen. Once I step into the kitchen I look at Wilbur, watching him. He cracks a few eggs into the pan that once had turkey bacon in it.

It was always a funny story to tell to people when they ask any of the Minecraft family why they eat exclusively turkey bacon. When Techno was first adopted by Philza he served the piglin hybrid a big plate of pork bacon and eggs. It took ages for Techno to have faith in Phil after that.

"'Ello?? Earth to (Y/N)!!" Wilbur all but yells at me. I snap out of my thoughts and I notice him holding out a plate of bacon and eggs. I laugh a little and grab the plate, thanking Wilbur. While we eat there's a comfortable silence between the two of us. After a few minutes, I decide to break the silence with my memory.

"Hey Will, remember when we were kids and Phil made Technoblade pork bacon instead of turkey bacon?" I giggle. He pauses and looks at me with the biggest grin as he responds "was that what you were thinking about? A little memory from when we were like, seven?"

I nod and laugh as I take our empty plates and head to the sink "I remember it so well because you gave techno the crown I found while exploring as a sorry for Phil! You were wearing an adorable hoodie too!" He looks at me with a confused stare, processing that I remember such a small detail of that day.

I finish washing up all the dishes then I walk to his couch. I plop down on the seat and I start reminiscing over memories with Wilbur. "I remember this one time, while we were going to the snowy biome techno lives in now, Tommy got bit by a non-venomous snake. Phil freaked out and made you use your hoodie string as a tourniquet but we still walked to it because we were too far from home to turn back. Thank goodness for Techno's little winter hut having a few medical supplies or that would've been a disaster!" Wilbur and I laugh like someone had made the best joke on earth as we remember the horrified look on Phil's face as he carried his youngest son into the hut just to realize that he was fine

I hear a pecking against the window and I see a crow, staring at me with its beady eyes. A note is hanging from its beak. I get up and open the window to let the bird hand me the letter addressed to me from Philza.

"It's nice to hear that you've found Ghostbur! Take as much time as you want with him because I know you missed him during your travels. Technoblade and I enjoyed the pie a lot by the way! -Phil." he had written such a nice note but techno had to add something at the end that made my face flush deep pink "PS. If you don't confess don't come back. You lovestruck fuck. -The Blade"

"(Y/N)? Why is your face all pink?" Wilbur asks as he looks at me with concern. I crumple up the paper and toss it in the trash can. "Oh, it was just a few embarrassing things that Phil wrote. You know, dad activity. But, I'm going to go for a short walk. I'll be back soon!" I grab my pouch and I walk towards the door.

"Wait!" Wilbur exclaims which stops me in my tracks. He hands me a small pouch of blue powder. "You seem down! Take some blue with you!" I nod and hug the ghost then I walk out of the house. As I walk aimlessly I lose myself in deep thought.

Was Wilbur going to get be like this for the rest of my life? What was the dream where I saw Wilbur on a train station platform about? I don't know the answers to these questions. Is it okay to still be in love with him if he's just a ghost of himself? Would he still be alive if I hadn't left?

I bury my face into my hands as I continue to walk, bumping into a sheep and accidentally dropping the blue powder onto the little creature. The little sheep looks up at me with a confused stare as I try to wipe off the blue powder on it. I guess I'll take him with me. I attach a lead to him and I continue to walk until it starts raining. Usually, I love rain but it seemed to startle the sheep so I start leading them home.

On the walk back I decide that I should tell him that I like him. I had wanted to tell him since I was five but being a kid had always made things like love seem so fantastical. So I decided to wait and now is my chance. I walk with the sheep silently until I see a small campsite that I hadn't noticed earlier. I decide that in the morning Ghostbur and I will go and check it out since he most likely won't let me leave again.

As I arrive home I open the door and let the shivering and now completely blue sheep in. I throw a few logs into the fireplace and I light the fire for the sheep to lay in front of. "I'm home, Wilbur!" I yell so he can hear me from his bedroom. He walks in and rubs his eyes as if he has just woken up. He looks at me first, noticing that I'm soaked to the bone with rainwater. As he steps toward me he trips on the sheep. The poor thing lets out a loud noise of shock. Wilbur lands on his ass and stares in shock at the animal that's staring in shock at him.

"Aweee! You brought a sheep with you! And he's blue!" Wilbur exclaims, clapping his hands together. I giggle as I explain that I had accidentally dumped the blue on him and the rain dyed his fur. He pets the sheep and the little sheep seems to adore him quite quickly. I grab a name tag and I look up at Wilbur. "So, what's his name?" I ask with a small smile. Wilbur responds with a simple but cute "Friend!" I write it down and add a bell to the collar of the nametag, putting it around Friend's neck.

After I dry off and change I sit next to Wilbur as he brushes Friend's wool. "Hey, Wilbur? Can l tell you something?" he looks at me and nods "of course, (Y/N)! You can tell me anything!" I smile but hesitate, scared of what he was going to respond with when I confess my feelings.

"Well..." I start "Wilbur, I've liked you since I was five. I just never had the right time to tell you. I've been scared to lose you. And now I've realized I could've. I don't care if you're a ghost. I still wanna be yours so.. will you be my boyfriend?" I speak quickly with a nervous tone to my voice. When I look at Wilbur I can see a huge smile on his face as he pulls me into a tight hug

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend, (Y/N)!!"

(A/N: it may seem like it's moving super fast but don't worry guys it'll be more slow burn once he's revived because it's ✨💕enemies to lovers💕✨ I'm just building a few things for the climax of the story >:D)

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