Chapter Seven; Disappearance

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{~Wilburs POV~}

I wake up in our tent to cold and foreboding silence, something isn't right here... I sit up and look and I see that (Y/N) isn't laying next to me. Her warm presence is now somewhere I don't know. I get up and walk out of the tent to look for my love. I step on something that breaks on impact, and when I pick it up I realize it's a small glass pendant that Phil had given her as a kid. My heart starts to pound and I head toward Techno's home. As I walk closer to his house my once composed pace breaks into a frantic run, tears barreling and burning my cheeks as I burst into a sleeping Techno's home.

Techno flies up and stares at me like I'm a madman, his usual calm demeanor now replaced with half-asleep panic. "(Y/N) is missing! I can't find her anywhere and she left this!" I lift the pendant she kept on her person all the time. Always in her pouch of items no matter if it was full and she needed to make space.

As he looks at the pendant an unreadable expression crosses his features. Techno takes the pendant and walks toward Phil's part of the shared home. When the two of them walk back they sit me down and look at me with a sympathetic look.

Techno started "Will, could you do us a favor and go to the tent? Bring us anything you find that (Y/N) owns that may have been left behind or dropped?" I think and nod, getting up as techno and Phil grab weapons and supplies.

I walk towards the tent, looking at the ground for anything that (Y/N) owns. As I pick up some items I quietly wonder where my love is.

I just hope she's safe...

^~*(Y/N)'s POV*~^

I wake up in an underground prison cell. My arms tied behind my back and my face battered and bruised from being tossed onto a hard floor. I sit up quietly and look along the stone floors and walls. After a few minutes of my eyes adjusting to the light, I see a short man with black hair and a white apron covered in blood napping at a desk, from the description that Techno had said I knew he was Quackity.

I stand up silently and walk to the bars of the prison cell and then I smirk, ramming myself into the bars. This causes a loud banging noise to reverberate through the cell, waking the golden-winged man rather rudely.

Quackity looks at me and frowns quietly, trying to be intimidating. I smile and point up at the top of my cell. "You should make this more secure if you're gonna nap in front of me." He follows my point to the top of the bars where they're cracking away from the stone.

"You cheeky bitch" he stands up and walks towards me. "Who do you think you are talking like that to your captor" I smile with a cocky grin as I simply respond "better than you, I guess"

Quackity winds his hand back and slaps me hard, I hit something hard and cold and fall back, smacking my head against a rocky surface.

Then everything goes black

<~Lives left: ❤️ ❤️~>

I open my eyes and look down, I'm wearing a long monochromatic dress and holding a book in my hands. When I open the book I see "(Y/N) loses her first life" written on the pages. I close the book and I walk around the small garden in the center of the castle-like structure.

After a few minutes of silently walking I bump into another person, when we look at each other my heart flies to my throat. He seems familiar but I don't know where I've seen him. What's his name.. is it like.. Kyle, Kevin...

"I'm so sorry! I've never seen anyone here other than clones or myself.. I'm Karl! And you are?" He smiles warmly at me, but I can see he has the same confusion and caution I have. "I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you, Karl" a smile crosses my features and I look around "anyways, where are we?"

His features light up and he starts speaking, leading me through the castle. "This is the Inbetween! I don't really know where it is but all I know is that it's my.. I guess our home away from home"  we walk together talking about everything under the sun but right before I ask him where he is from my ears start ringing and he waved goodbye to me before everything falls to black again.

What was his name again..?

<~Away from the InBetween~>

I grunt quietly as I open my crusted over eyes. I sit up and look around. Where was I again..? I try to stand up but I fail as my arms are chained to the ground with only enough space to feed myself a loaf of bread left in front of me.

I pick the bread off of the dusty floor and I pick it apart. It was fairly good bread but it was over mixed and doughy. I finish the bread and I I stretch as much as I could. After a few minutes of boring silence a figure walks in. Tubbo, one of Tommy's best friends, stands in front of the cell.

"I'm sorry that you're in this situation.. Quackity went too far and said we need hostages to lure out techno..." he rubs his arm quieted before I speak. "How long was I out..?" I rub my head quietly. I rub on a small, mostly healed, cut on my cheek from hitting the poorly constructed prison bars.

"A little over a week.. how hard did he hit you?" I sigh quietly but chuckle a little after "I lost one of my three lives.. I guess he can slap the soul out of someone" Tubbo chuckles with me and then gets up "I'll see if we can let you go.. I can't just let you be stuck in here" he walks out and I try to get comfy

I guess I'll be stuck in here for awhile.

(A/N: AHHH I'm backkkk!!!!! 💜💜 sorry for the hiatus I've been dealing with mental health problems and I finally had the Motivation to write a new chapter!! Thank y'all for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. P.S. twin brother Karl with the memory loss might seem confusing right now but all will be explained later!!)

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