Chapter 8; Dreary days

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I sit alone in my little cell. As days went by from me losing my first life Tubbo brought me gifts so I could be cozy. I cuddle up on the blanket and read a book. I hate that they are villainizing one of my partner's brothers, especially the one that has given me a home since L'manberg was blown up.

After an hour of silence, I hear a door open and I see Tubbo, a frown on his face as he brings some food to me. When I grab the plate from him I see that it's some stale bread and pork. I grab the bread and throw the pork to the side. Even if I was ravenous I wouldn't eat pork. Tubbo sighs out a simple "please eat more than the bread.." I shake my head and go back to my blanket. I mutter out "I'd rather die" with venom in my tone.

Tubbo sighs and picks up the meat and plate. "Next time I'll try to get chicken or steak... I promise" I roll my eyes and roll over to my side. After a few minutes of silence, I hear the door open and close. I wrap the blanket around me and I start crying. I want to go home... I miss Wilbur... After an hour I fall asleep

<~Phil's POV~>

I walk quietly through the forest as I hum to a tune. Even though techno says he has the (Y/N) situation covered I still worry about her. I see Ghostburs cottage in the distance and I start to walk towards it.

When I arrive at his front doorstep I knock quietly. After a few seconds Ghostbur opens the door. I can tell he's worried about (Y/N) but he creatively hides it by doing crafts. I look over at a sheared Friend and the half-knitted sweater that was left by the couch.

"Oh, Phil! Welcome! Come in come in!" The ghostly man steps aside to let me in. When I step in I see that an empty plate was left on the table where (Y/N) usually sits. I frown and look at Wilbur as he walks to the kitchen and pulls out an undercooked cake.

"I tried to follow one of (Y/N)'s recipes.. it didn't turn out that well" he lets out a sad chuckle as he hold it out to me. I pick apart the cake for a cooked bit and I try it... I try not to heave as the cake is ungodly salty. He must've mixed up the salt and sugar... again... I fake a smile and utter out "it's.. delicious! I bet (Y/N) will be proud of you!" Thankfully Will took the bait and happily sets the cake down and we go back to the living room.

As we sit I wince as my slightly scarred wing bumps into the couch. The ghost doesn't seem to notice as he picks back up the knitting needles and continues to make the sweater that he's working on. I watch him quietly before I interrupt the silence with a "you miss her a lot, don't you?" The blue man jolts to a stop as if someone electrocuted him. He looks at me with small blue tears welling into the corner of his eyes. Without saying a word I pull my son into a tight hug. His tears staining the shoulder of my green shirt a blue hue.

"It'll be alright, I promise." I quietly say. Do I believe that? A little, yes but, I still do have my doubts. I just have to have a little faith for my piglin son. I just wish I could have more say in this.

A little after I soothe Wilbur to sleep I feed friend and clean up some of the mess he had left around his home. After I clean I leave towards my home in the city to leave techno to his planning.

Unbeknownst to the avian this would be when his house arrest starts.

(A/N: thank y'all for reading so far! I'm sorry that I went offline for a long time! I've been relatively sick  and I just got a new job! Also, If y'all want to listen to the music I listen to while writing here's my SoundCloud playlist for Wine Red! )

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