Chapter Six; Saccharine sweet "friendship"?

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"Hey... Dream" Tommy mutters as he looks at me and Wilbur with a pleading look to just leave. I stand firm in my spot as Tommy sighs and starts speaking again. "Well, you already know my brother, Wilbur-" the ghostly man waves and greets dream with cheery enthusiasm. "-and this is my family friend, (Y/N)" I give a curt nod towards the green-clad man.

"Well, it's nice to meet you but I need to have a private discussion with Tommy so could you please leave us alone?" Dream speaks in a saccharine sweet tone. It makes my stomach flip with nerves as his voice is dripping with a sheer amount of false sweetness.

I nod quietly, knowing that if I denied and tried to push to stay that I could lead Tommy into more danger. I walk over to the golden-haired child who was visibly distressed and I pat his shoulder, tapping a small code into his shoulder that we used as a kid to say "we'll talk about this later" his once smiling face is now a frown as he nods and I walk off towards home.

I hold Wilbur's hand silently, not exactly listening to his ramblings but I could tell he was happy to visit his younger brother. I tune into his chatter to hear him talking about visiting Technoblade soon. I sigh with a small smile gracing my features "Maybe we should head that way today? We still have leftover sweets and I know you don't like chocolate so why don't we bring the cake to Techno and Phil?"

This causes Wilbur's eyes to light up like the full moon of the night. "I would love to visit dad and Techno!" He giddily starts running towards his house to pack up the treats that were left over in his fridge. His giddy hops to his step make me smile, he would do the same thing as a kid.

I chase after the ghostly man and I put my saddle on Scout. She neighs in response, ready to ride again. I hop on and Wilbur walks over to me and Scout, scrambling on as well. "You ready to go?" I ask, causing the ghostly man to nod back at me. As I ride towards techno and Phil's home I hear Wilbur humming to an unknown tune.

An hour or two later we arrive at the pig-man's humble abode. I hop off of Scout and tie her to a fence post and then I walk in with Wilbur at my heels. "I'm back for a little while!" I yell into the seemingly empty home. I stomp on the trap door and I hear techno yell up "Stop your stomping or you'll fall through!" A hint of irritation in the man's voice.

Once techno climbs up he shouts into the second house "Hey birdbrain- I mean dad! (Y/N) and Wilbur are here!" Phil walks out shortly after the shout, seeing the two of us. He seems super excited until he sees my troubled expression. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Phil questions me. I turn to Ghostbur and ask him if he could gather some firewood for us and then I would make food for us. He nods and walks out and as soon as the door closes I slump over on the wall.

"It's Tommy, he's in danger. And I don't think we can do anything about it..." Techno and Phil look at each other and then at me. Techno steps toward me and questions me in a cautious tone "What do you mean that he's in danger" I look up at the avian and the Piglin hybrid, they both share the same look of worry and the urge to protect their kin.

I explain the whole situation with Dream and how afraid Tommy seemed to be. I also mentioned the fact that when Dream arrived the poor golden-haired child shrunk away from the green-clad man. Once I'm done explaining the situation Wilbur comes back and smiles at me, holding some wood in his arms.

I take the wood from Wilbur and I listen to the two sons and their father chattering about random things while I add more wood to the fire. I hear Techno mentioning that he was wanted by a group of people called the butcher army. I look up at them after the wood is added and I hop into the conversation before it's gone.

"Butcher army? That is such a creative name" I speak in a sarcastic tone, causing the pig man to burst into a fit of laughter. "I know, right? I mean if they're going to go for a hog hunt then they should pick a better name!" he doubles over in laughter but Phil didn't seem so entertained with the idea of his son being in danger. Techno pats Phil's shoulder and whispers something in his ear which causes Phil to wheeze so hard I thought a lung would come up.

I grab my satchel and bring out the sweets we had left over and techno immediately launched himself to grab a slice of the decadent cake that I hold. I laugh and cut off a slice for each of us and techno hands Wilbur a slice of the Gapple pie so he wouldn't be left out on our snacking.

We all sit by the fire, enjoying a comfortable chatter as we snack. We talk about everything under the sun, except for Tommy's possible torment by Dream as we don't want to cause Wilbur to panic. I decide to bring up the memory of Tommy being bitten by a snake. This happened to be while Techno was drinking some milk, his eyes bulge out of his skull, and milk flies from his mouth and nose as he wheezes out some laughter.

Phil sighs and decides to embarrass me with a story of the time I slipped down an icy slope and had to walk home completely drenched in ice-cold water. By the time I reached home that day my clothes were frozen solid and I had to take a warm bath with them on to remove the articles of clothing safely.

A few hours of conversation and jokes later and Wilbur and I decide to go camping out in the woods, an activity that we used to do all the time as kids. I gather our camping equipment and the two of us start walking into the woods. Once we find a comfortable spot we set up the tent and crawl into it. I cuddle up and drift to sleep with my ghostly lover.

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