Chapter Twelve; Here comes the bride

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~{The day of the wedding}~
I pace as Eret adds a few finishing touches to my bouquet. I look towards my best friend. One of the only people who showed up to our wedding. The others are Tubbo, Ranboo, Michael, Phil, and Techno. I sigh whilst worrying about Tommy. I wonder where he is. I hope he got our invitation.
Eret puts a hand on my shoulder and frowns "I promise he'll make it. And if he doesn't I'll let you keep my tiara" She smiles and puts the tiara on my head. A perfect golden contrast to the pale blue veil and long black dress. He chuckles a little as he speaks lightheartedly "It's funny how Ghostbur couldn't choose a best man so he chose both Techno and Phil. Even though Phil is officiating the wedding. I bet they're both scrambling to keep him calm"
I laugh wholeheartedly as I imagine the spirit pacing around. Getting blue all over the little dressing room that was built for him across from my room. After a few minutes of joking Phil walks in and shuts the door to talk to Eret and me.
He looks me up and down as tears prickle in his eyes. A genuine smile quarks his lips up and he puts a hand on my shoulder "You look as beautiful as my wife did on her wedding day." he says, then adds "My son is a lucky man, marrying His childhood best friend." I smile back at the old Avian. "I feel incredibly lucky being able to marry him as well. Especially in the same forest and dress you and Mumza wedded in."
He nods and informs us that once the music starts that I could walk down the aisle. I nod back at him and he steps out of the dressing room. After a few minutes, I hear the music start kicking up.
I grab the bouquet that now shines with glowstone dust and I look towards Eret. They smile and hook their arm around mine and they say "You ready?" I look at him and nod.
Slowly the two doors open (thanks to some Redstone magic) and Eret starts walking me down the aisle.
I look around at everyone and I grin, all the days crushing over the now ghost cumulates into this beautiful wedding. I look at Techno, one of my best friends. Then I look at Phil... as I look closer I notice his Hardcore heart pendant glowing softly and he seems to be focusing on something else other than me.
I follow his gaze to a glowing bit of red near where I would be standing. I blink and then I see a beautiful woman with knee-length curly black hair, slightly tanned skin, and dark hazel eyes. I look her down and I notice she wears the same pendant as Phil. When she notices me staring at her she smiles and puts a finger to her lips. Silently going "shhhh" before she disappears into a flock of crows.
My eyes widen and I pretend to ignore what had happened as I look at my soon-to-be husband. He's smiling at me quietly as he fiddles with his hands. His black suit is stained blue on the cuffs and on the chest where he was constantly oozing his blue blood.
As I arrive to stand next to him I softly take his hands, looking him in the eyes as Phil starts speaking. "I welcome everyone who has come today to this wonderful joining of two souls in the bonds of marriage. I've watched these two grow up from the time (Y/N)'s mother left her with me to watch over her. I knew this day would happen as soon as these two locked eyes." He chuckles as I flush pink with embarrassment and Ghostbur blushes a soft blue hue. "But, these two have written their vows for each other. So let's start with the groom"
Ghostbur blushes and pulls out a small blue-stained sheet of paper. "(Y/N) I have loved you since the day my eyes laid upon you. I remember that day clearly as you held your mother's hand and looked at her with such a soft look of affection like any child should. I remember all of the times we all went and explored the farthest stretches of land. I hope that we can explore those lands together someday! Even if I can't go with you sometimes, I'll gladly wait for you at our home to welcome you with open arms. I promise myself to you forever and always. I'll love you even if I get revived someday. Which probably will never happen. Im just glad that today is happening and I'm excited to be your husband." he smiles happily and I start tearing up happily.
Phil smiles and looks at me as he speaks "it's time for the bride to read her vows!" I look at Phil then I look at Ghostbur. I pull out a sheet of paper and I clear my throat before I start my heartfelt speech. "Ghostbur, You've been my dream man since we met. You're kind demeanor and handsome face made me fall in love with every aspect of you from your head to your toes-" Tubbo jokingly interjects with, "AND HIS DICK" causing everyone to start laughing. After a good minute of laughter it dies down and I go back to saying the vows I wrote "-I adore every moment that I'm with you and when I'm away I can't wait to come back. I can't wait to start a home with you and to live the rest of my life with you."
Phil smiles and hands us each others rings. "With these rings you two become one. Together until the day you two go to limbo hand in hand." I take the ring in my hand and I put it on his ring finger and he does the same to me. The few people who attended our wedding applaud us. Phil then announces "you may now kiss the bride" I look at Ghostbur as my heart starts racing. He softly caresses my cheek and leans in. I lean in as well and we kiss. As we kiss the fireworks fill my stomach and heart. Everyone applauds and cheers us on. As I pull away from the kiss I look the ghostly man. His features show nothing but love and adoration
I hold his hand as we all walk to the reception. There I see a battered a bruised Tommy. He looks at me with a small smile and he says "I hope I made it on time" I let go of Wilbur's hands and I walk towards Tommy. "Are you okay?" He flinches a little but nods. "What happened to you?" He laughs under his breath "I took a pretty good tumble while traveling here" I frown, not believing him but not knowing what actually happened so I just say "please be careful then! We don't want you losing your last life" he nods again then Tubbo comes to Tommy and slings an arm around his shoulder bringing him to one of the tables where food is already set up for everyone.
Ghostie softly takes my hand and leads me over to our seats at the head of the table. I smile seeing my family and friends chattering with each other. I pick at my steak and baked potatoes. (All of the potatoes being the wedding gift from technoblade) until Phil stands up and lifts his glass, happily grinning as he starts to speak "I think it's time for speeches now so who's first?"
I look around as Eret stands up and starts speaking "I've known (Y/N) since she had joined L'manberg with Wilbur and as her best friend I have to say I know she was deeply in love with him at least from the first day I met her." I cover my face and start laughing quietly as my cheeks flush a light pink. Eret continues speaking for a minute until she lifts their glass and we all cheers to the wedding.
Next Phil and techno stands up and they both recount a few stories about how we were completely oblivious to each others crushes even though we lived together. Ghostie blushes and hides his face as I try and fail spectacularly to shut them up, all while laughing.
After the speeches, stories, jokes, and eating music starts to play and my ghostly husband stands and holds out his hand "our first dance, M'lady?" He says I laugh and take his hand as I cheerfully respond "of course, Darling!" As he leads me to the center of the dance floor I notice out of the corner of my eye the mysterious lady standing next to Phil but once I turn my head I don't see anything.
"Are you alright hun?" Ghostbur is whispers to me under his breath as we slow dance to the music playing. I nod and whisper back "yeah I just thought I saw something. Like a.. tall and almost gothic lady?" He chuckles and says "sounds like mum" I pause as questions start flooding my head. Wasn't his mom dead? Or was it that she went away on a long business trip? I decide to stop thinking about it as the song ends and we pry ways for the rest of the guests to start dancing.
As Ghostbur walks off to get me and him a drink I decide to take a small walk to the pond I had seen earlier before the wedding had started. I sit there in silence before I hear movements. When I turn around I come face to face with one person I didn't want to see at this wedding.

"What are you doing here... Dream" I frown as he saunters around me. Deciding to not answer my question as he speaks in a tone that sends shivers down my spine and causes my hair to stand on end "You're quite beautiful tonight, (Y/N). Sad that I couldn't have met you earlier. I would have definitely made you mine." He stops to face me with a sick and sadistic smile on his face. I scowl and bark out "Tell me what you want!" He pauses, seeming to be taken aback before he puts back up his facade. "Well, as you probably know. I have exiled Tommy from the SMP and from L'manhole but I've decided to be nice. If you find me these books, called the Tales Of The SMP, and bring them to me. I'll give him access to his home and I won't bother him again. But if you happen to fail and come back empty handed. Everyone you love and care for will be executed."
He smirks while I stare at him with shock in my eyes as he finishes his speech with "you're special, (Y/N)." He hands me a map with a location scrawled on the back. He turns away and starts to walk towards wherever he was originally. After a few steps he pauses and says one last thing before vanishing off into the night.

"You should probably go back to your wedding. Oh. Congratulations by the way."

What do I do...?

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