Chapter Eleven; Wedding prep?

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I smile as techno braids my hair. As he braids my hair I start to work on a flower crown that I'll wear while walking down the aisle. I look at the short black dress that Phil said was his wife's dress for their wedding day sitting on the living room table nicely folded up. As I put the final flower in the faux flower crown I think back to just two days prior when Ghostie has proposed to me. I smile as I set the crown down. Techno finishes the braid and I look at him, smiling softly.
"I'm so excited for my wedding" I sigh gleefully. He nods and gets up, walking to the kitchen where Phil is working on invitations for friends. I follow him quietly and pick up one of the invitations. I smile as I see the invite is for Eret. Though we hadn't talked much in a long time she and I were quite close when we were younger. They would always make sure that I was safe and sound after my travels until he became king.
I look at the few other invites and I smile. It may be a small wedding but it won't be a bad one. Hopefully.
I look at Phil as he hands a letter to one of his many crows then it flies off with a happy caw. "Hey Phil?" He looks up at me and he tilts his head "do you think Tommy will be able to make the wedding?" I ask worriedly. Phil sighs and looks at the next invitation, this one addressed to Tommy, and hands it to the next crow
"I don't know, I really hope he does come because I know Ghostbur would love to see him there"
I nod quietly and I go back to looking at the wedding dress. It was around knee length and sparkly. The lace depicting crows flying all around the dress. The back of the dress dips quite low but it's to be expected from avian dresses.
As I think about the outfit I don't realize a pair of arms snake around my waist until I hear the voice of my soon to be husband say "Hii Y/N! What're you thinking about?" I jump a little then look at him. Explaining that I hope that my friend shows up to our wedding. He smiles and rests his head on my shoulder.
"Even if no one shows up I promise to make our wedding the best event you've ever been to." He says in a gentle tone, knowing that I'm quite anxious.
I yawn quietly and he softly picks me up "it sounds like you need a nap my darling" he murmurs happily, carrying me to the bed causing me to fuss "there's so much I need to do tho-" Ghostie cuts me off with a soft kiss "there's nothing you need to worry about. I'll take care of it I promise"
With that I drift asleep as he starts to pet my hair and hum me a song.

(A/N: WOO BABY IM BACK FROM SEVERE WRITERS BLOCK!! Sorry it's so short I promise the wedding will be a long chapter!! I'm really sorry if it takes awhile I only get one day a week where I can dedicate most of the day to writing)

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