• fifteen • 2 Wrongs Don't Make a Right •

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El could feel it. She could feel it all science class. Every glance he took burned. It took everything in her not to look back. She wanted to. She wanted to see his beautiful freakles. The way his hair bounced. The twinkle is his eyes. She couldn't forget it. She couldn't forget the look in his eyes the night they had sex. Full of needs, lust, love, Passion. Somed days she still cried. Some days she still felt like she needed him. Any hard day she would run to her phone and tell him everything. He would be there. He would put a smile on her face. FaceTime, texts, calls anything.

She missed him more then she wanted to admit. But she wanted to stay strong. She didn't wanna be the girl who took a boy back after every single fight. She needed to be stronger then that. Will told her he was a good guy. Troubled past. Not loved enough. But still. She wanted to hold her ground. She didn't wanna become the girl she use to be. The girl who begged for love.

Science was over and she was looking at her schedule heading for the door. Literature. Room 301. "301" She mumbled. She sighed looking at the number on the science room.

"It's on the left side of the blue hallway"

She turned around seeing Mike. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"I--I-- can walk-- walk you there if you'd like?"

El shook her head. No. If she did. She'd fall into his arms. And she's stronger then that. With that she ran off.

Mike sighed watching her go. He missed everything about her. The way she smelt. Her laugh. The way she walked. The way her lips felt against his. How could he forget thier night on her birthday. He gave her everything. He just wanted to talk.

A few classes went by and it was lunch. El didn't think that far ahead. Where was she suppose to sit. With Max? With him in the party? She could just ignore him right?

"Don't worry about it"

El looked up seeing Max


"I see the wheels spinning in your head el.. just don't think .. it will be okay"

El sighed and nodded following behind her.

Max smiled approaching the table. There already sat Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Will.

"Hey guys! You don't mind if the new girl joins us do you?" Max smirked.

Will laughed shaking his head in slight annoyance

Dustin smiled "I don't know... It might ruin our image.."

"Our image? She'll make us look better" lucas laughed.

Max smiled tilting her head "you don't mind Michael do ya?"

El shyly looked down.

Mike glared at her but gave her a "Doesn't matter to me.."

El sighed and sat between Max and Will. Mike was sitting right across from her.

"So El! How's your first day of hell?" Dustin asked laughing.

"Pretty good actually, the classes seem good, people are much friendlier here too"

"Awesome! Have you eyes on any guys here?" Lucas asked.

El glanced at Mike from under her eye lashes seeing him pause and looking at her.

El shurgged "All the boys here are pretty easy on the eyes actually"

Max grinned shocked by her confidence

Mike looked down sadly at his food basically just playing with it.

Why does he get to look sad? He's the one that flipped out that day and said all those awful things about her. How she was probably sleeping around. Like she was a whore.

The bell rang and instantly everyone ran off. Which was werid. But El didn't question them. She started to gather up her things.

"Do you think we can talk?" Mike asked softly looking at her from accross the table.

"I have nothing to say to you Mike... " She sighed standing up

"I--I-- just--- think we should talk..." He stuttered

"I can't Mike..." She needed to stay strong. She could do this.

"Baby..." He whispered as he grabbed her arm

There is was. She clammed up. Her heart dropped. He knew that name drove her crazy.

"I said no .." she simply stated trying to show no emotion.


"The lady said no Wheeler!!" A loud voice came from behind El making her flinch a bit. Mike's hand dropped.

She looked behind her to see Troy.

"It's okay..." El whispered.

"No it's not! This nerd doesn't have any right to force you to talk! He has some nerve trying to talk to someone like you! She obviously out of your league man"

El gasped a bit. She knew Mike had it hard with people looking down at him. Even though she was pissed she wouldn't treat him like that.

"Troy... There's no need to say that.."

"Come on beautiful... Look at him... Dorky, lanky, he could never land a hit piece like you"

Before El could even say anything Mike had ran off.

She sighed and walked off to her next class.


About a month went by. Nothing had changed. El would go to school. Act like everything was okay. She'd flirt with boys. Ignore Mike at all costs. But the second she got home to her room she'd break down.

So was so close to giving this up. To give him a chance. To talk about what happened. She needed him. Wanted him. She could never feel so strongly like that for another man. She was still confused on what had happened.

She sighed getting out of the truck and heading into the school. She had talked to Max. She was gonna give me a chance at lunch. To talk. To see if they could mend what was once broken. El entered the lunch room that day. She had it all planned. She was gonna sit beside him before Will got there. She was gonna grab his hand. Lean over and whisper in his ear "lets go have that talk" she was ready.

This. She wasn't ready for. Mike wasn't at thier table. He was two tables over. Playing with Stacey's hair as she had a hand on his chest

El gasped starring. She couldn't help it. Of course. Of course she waited to long. This had been going on for months.

Max titled her head at her confused, then she saw what El was seeing.

What the hell.

Mike looked up seeing El, then proceed to look away back at the hair of Stacey's in his hand

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