• twentyeight • Happy Together •

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"Its a girl" The ultrasound girl said as she looked at Mike and El

Mike smiled kissing Els hand "A little you, how perfect"

El laughed nodding her head.

Everything had been so perfect. Mike was basically living at Els while attending collage. He didn't want her to be alone. He did get a part time job to support them that Hopper got him, but it was usually the hours that Hopper would be home so El wasn't alone.

They were happy. They were having a baby girl. Everything was just perfect.

"You look beautiful El..." Mike whispered coming up behind her

"I look fat!" She groaned holding her stomach that had gotten big.

"Honey... your pregnant.. your carrying my child.. you look sexy" He smiled.

"Do we have to go out?" She groaned.

"No.. but I didnhave a surprise for you.." He said softly.

She nodded trying to fix her hair and dress.

"Okay let's go..."

He smiled grabbing her hand leaning her to his car.

He took them to the quarry. A place they liked to hang out at a lot.

"Why are we here?" She asked.

"A date. I thought it would be nice."

She bodded getting out 

He smiled grabbing a blanket and basket of food he set up in the grass.

El smiled watching him "you know your too perfect?"

"Keep that in mind " He smiled.

She smiled nodding and walked over.

They spent most of the day there. Eating, talking, walking, just enjoying being alone together.

El had walked away from Mike to look over the water as the sun was setting.

Mike smiled walking over "your even more beautiful in the sun set" He whispered kissing her hand.

"I love you Mike.. thank you for this perfect life" She smiled. For once in her life she was truly happy.

"El... you completely changed my life when you texted me that day" He whispered.

She laughed.

"Guess I got lucky texting the one guy who would keep up a conversation "

"I'd like to thonk even if that didn't happen... when you and Will hung out,  that I would've stoll fallen for you" He smiled.

"Yeah.. I think I would've fallen for you too" She whispered.

"Eleanor Hopper, you've made my life a joy to live,  texting you, meeting you  chasing you, kissing you, loving you, watching you carry my child... I couldn't be more thankfull" He whispered.

Before she knew it she was on one knee and she gasped frozen in space. He pulled out a Tony box with a Beautiful ring

"Don't worry, Max and your dad helped pick it out. But Eleanor Hopper, I've loved you since the moment I met you... and I know I'll love you a hundred times longer... i know we're still young... but I can't imagine my life with out... I'll fight whoever I have tk to keep you Mine El.. I love you... forever... so please .. Eleanor Hopper... would you do me the honors and marry me?" He smiled asking softly.

El was sobbing but nodding her head. "Yes..." she whispered pulling him up for a miss.


"One more push El... your doing so fucking amazing..." He whispered to El wiping her hair out ofmher face.

Suddenly crying filled the room and El let out a shaky breath.

"You did it El... you did amazing" He smiled kissing her forehead.

"Here you are Eleanor... a perfect baby girl" the nurse smiled handing the baby to El.

Mike knealed down smiling watching his two girls.

"My two girls.. life couldn't be better..." He whispered

El smiled starring down at the baby

"Hello baby girl" she whispered.

After they got moved rooms and were settled Hopper walked in.

"Ready to meet me granddaughter " He smiled and Mike nodded walking the baby over to him.

"What's her name?" He asked looking at Mike and El

"Jane Elizabeth Hopper Wheeler" She smiled.

"You kept Hopper?" He asked. He assumed sinc ether wwre getting married soon that they would just stick with Wheeler.

"Of course we did. We wanted to keep your name in there, you gave El the perfect life, and you've been amazing to both of us" Mike smiled.

Hopper smiled and nodded.

El smiled watching her two boys talking to her daughter. She sighed contently. Her life truly was perfect.

And that was her life. She loved being a mom

She eventually went on to be a mom to Jane Elizabeth Hopper Wheeler and Xavier Jim William Wheeler.

Her and Mike were married.

He got a full time job as a writer, and every Friday night Max came to babysit the kids while El went out and watched Mike play at a local bar which always ended in him playing thier song and them dancing.

It was the perfect life.

And to think

It all started with a text.. 

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