• twentysix • Happy •

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Eleanor Hopper 💛

Morning Beautiful!

Morning Handsome 💗😍
How'd you sleep?

I don't remember you leaving

Lol sorry
I snuck out before my dad would get home from work.

I miss you

I'm sorry,💞
Hope your birthday was fun

That was the best birthday ever...
I might've fucked it up in the beginning
But I'm forever grateful for everything you did for me ❤️❤️❤️

Don't worry about it..
I love you 💙💙
I'm happy, were finally in a good place

Absolutely 🤗
I'll try not to be a insecure jerk

Your cute when your jealous 💗
Just talk to me next time 😉

Lol Okay


El and Mike were in a really good place after his birthday. They never got into any more fights. They spent very second they could together. Constantly all over eachother. Which drove the party crazy. A few months went by and it was prom and graduation time.


Asking Her to Prom

Mike was nervous to say the least. El was his girlfriend. Things had been going great lately. But still that little thing on the back of his head told him he wasn't good enough. But he wanted to ask her officially to prom.

He had texted her to meet him on his basement in a few minutes. Lame he knows. But he thought this place was meaningful.

Suddenly there was a small knock on the door and he smiled, all his worries washing away.

He opened the door, him wearing a blue button up shirt with a tie. Holding a bouquet of yellow sunflowers and red roses in front of him.

El smiled widely laughing "well what's all this for?" She laughed grabbing the flowers and smelling them.

"I just love you is all" he smiled.

She smiled following him in and seeing the bed made with rose petals all over it and a small meal with her favorite movie waiting in the background.

"Oh my god Michael!" She exclaimed smiling

"Shall we?" He smiled leading her to the bed.

They laid on the bed eating, watching the movie, and some making out.

"You know, there is a reason I did all this" Mike whispered.

"Oh? What's up?" El asked getting up.

"I want to ask you a question" He sat up with her.

"Oh god. Did I do something?" El asked worried.

"What? No! El you couldn't do any wrong..." He said softly.

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