• eightteen • Dont Kiss and Tell •

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Both of them starred in eachothers eyes. El gave him a small smile. That's until coughing brought them back to the game.

They both looked and it was Stacey.

"Wow... you guys really take your dares seriously.."

Mike laughed playing it off "I'm competitive"

El smiled backing back to her spot.

It was Mike's turn.

He was drunk.

He needed answers.

Surly El wouldn't pick dare after that.

"El, truth or dare?"

"Truth" she said calmly.

Figures. Good thing tho. Cause he mightve dared her to kiss him again. And obviously that wouldn't send well with Stacey.

"The guy you said you slept with, how do you feel about him now?"  He questioned starring her down.

"Wh--What do you mean?"

"What are your current feelings towards him. Remember... truthfully..."

El sighed took a deep breath  and starred him dead in the eyes with no emotion.

"I love him"

She simply stated, earning a "awweeee" from Stacey.

"I love him so much it's hard to function. I look at him and my heart melts. I hear his voice and all I can think of is every word he uttered that night. I look at him and I get so angry. So angry that I let my feelings overtake me. That I didn't give him a chance to explain the awful things said to me. I missed him so much that I didn't leave my room for weeks which is why my dad made me pack up and move. I was angry for so long. And the one day I had planned to give him a chance he had moved on. But yeah. I love him. I never stopped. " she said softly. She could see tears forming in his eyes and she had to look away. All thier friends stayed silent. So of course it was Stacey who opened her mouth.

"Oh my God El... why don't you tell whoever this mystery man is that"

"I did... but.. he's happy with someone else. He's with the person he wanted for years. He should be with her. She's everything I could never be. He shouldn't ruin his life for a girl who's so good at screwing up"

"He doesn't think that at all.." Mike whispered 

"Wait? You know him?" Stacey gasped.

"Yeah.. I know him well. He regretted the words he said every fucking night, he cried himself to sleep for weeks.. months... sometimes he still does. His father had told him he wasn't worthy of anything that day.. and he believed him.. he believed him so much that he pushed you away... and when he realized what he did he couldn't take it back... so he tried... he tried moving on... as much as he told you he loved his new girl... he doesn't... nothing compares to you... Noone ever will..."

Now it's Els eyes who can't stop tearing up.

"El... I think you should go find this guy... Mike makes him sound like a boy who's overly in love with you" Stacey sighed.

"You have no idea" Mike whispered.

El nodded

"Right... I'm... I'm gonna do that..." she whispered

Before anyone said anything she ran out the door.

Everyone stared at Mike speechless. They were shocked at how any feelings were.spilled that night.

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