• nineteen • Marks •

104 2 0

Mike smiled setting his phone phone. He was going to accept what she wanted. He wasnt going to respond. He didn't want to push her away. He smiled looking around him. The bed was a mess. His clothes scattered everywhere.  Him and El Hopper spent the night just showing eachother how much they love eachother.

He heard his phone ding and quickly grabbed it incase it was her.


Stacey 💞

Hey Nerd ❤️
Hope your feeling better
Still on for later right?

I'll be fine by 4
I'll pick you up


Mike sighed. Now he was hurting. What is he suppose to do. Tell her the truth?? He loved El so much. No one could compare.

He groaned making a coffee and then having a shower. He got out of the shower to his phone flashing so he checked it.


Eleanor Hopper 💛

I know I told you not to message lol
But I hope you aren't regretting last night

God no...
Definitely not...
It's definitely in my top favorite nights

Good 💙
Me too
See you Monday

Have a good day baby 💛



Mike smiled getting dressed. He kissed her so much. And she was here. Living in Hawkins. So close. It's everything he dreamt of.

He spent most the day cleaning the basement thinking about all the options he had.

Was he suppose to tell Stacey everything? Or wait until him and El talked on Monday.

He didn't want to mess anything up. El is definitely what he wanted. But he didn't know what she would think by Monday.

4 o clock came and he had picked up Stacey. They had plans to go to a drive in tonight.

They were sitting in his car seats pulled back and she was among at Mike.

"Do you think El worked things out with her ex?" She asked.

"I'd like to think so" he smiled.

"You really care for her, it's sweet how good of a friend you are"

"She's my best friend's sister. Of course id care" he shurgged.

She smiled nodding then noticed something on his neck.

"What's that?" She asked pointing at him.

He hummed pulling down his mirror of his car seeing a dark hicky that El must've left behind that he never noticed. Fuck.

"Oh. Embarrassing story actually. I fell out of bed in the middle on the night and I landed in the weridest fucking position and my neck was bent horribly that it left a mark" he laughed nervously. He knew that was a horrible lie. That can't even happen can it?

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