• twentyseven • Goodbye •

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"I'm pregnant Mike...." El whispered 

Mikes eyes went wide. How? Well he knew how. But really? Right now?

"Mike..." She whispered watching him.

"Please... please say something..."

Mike just starred at her. Her breathing started to get heavy.

"What-- what are we going to do?" He asked softly.

"I don't know Mike..  " she whispered tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh El... don't cry baby..." He whispered pulling her close.

She sobbed wrapping her arms Round him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't wanna ruin your life Mike.. "

"Ruin my life El?" He asked. Not beileveing she would think that.

"Yeah.. your.about to leave out of state for collage... to become a writer... your dream..  and here.i am telling you you have a child on the way.."

"El! Stop! I wont go... I'll stay.. I wanna be here for you during this.. I'm not going... end of discussion " He said sternly.

"No! Your not staying Mike"

"You can't decide that El.."

"You can't give that up Mike. You worked so hard to get in. You get tp study  literature and music.. your not giving that up! "

"I can find something closer, I can wait a few years, I'll figure something out"

El sighed placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Mike... go.. I'll be okay... you'll come to visit... please.. do those for us.." she whispered putting her other hand on her stomach.

Mike sighed softly

"El... i--- come with me..." He whispered.

"Mike I can't.. I'm gonna stay here.. I'm gonna have this baby.. I'm gonna love him or her, my dad and Max they'll help me while your off studying to give us a better life. I promise it'll be okay..."

Mike groaned but nodded. Knowing she was impossible to work with.

"Whatever happens I'm gonna love you and this baby so much" He whispered.

"Really?" She smiled looking at him.

"Really..." He whispered kissing her.


It was the next day. The day Mike was due to leave for collage. He hated the idea of leaving El here all alone. But she wouldn't give him the choice to stay.

"I'll be okay Mike.. I can do it" She said sitting on an airport chair with him waiting.

"I know El... I know you can.. but when I pictured this life... I pictured me by your side for very appointment, me holding your hair back while you get sick, me getting your every craving"

El smiled leaning her head on his shoulder "I'm sure you'll get another chance.."

"When's your first appointment?"

"I have my first ultrasound in 2 weeks just to make sure everything going accordingly, I'm still early but they wanna make sure it's when they think it is"

Mike nodded.

They sat in silence until his flight was announced. El walked Mike to the gate and he just stood there.

"El don't make me go.. I'm gonna be so worried..." He whispered

"It'll be okay Mike... we will be here.. waiting.. and I'll see you soon.. you'll be there for Thanksgiving and by then I'll be about 2 or 3 months"

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