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Another day, another show! I grab my costume and change myself. I hear Rui, speaking outside my dressing room. The way he speaks is so sophisticated. The articulated words, special pronunciation. He fascinates me! I love his voice, the way of his speech. I feel myself slowly getting lost in my thoughts. I could rant about that voice for hours! Days! Not only his voice, but that hair, too. His smile, his eyes,.. His body. It's all so desirable. I can feel my hand wrapping around my member, slipping from reality and thinking of nothing but--


The abrupt knocking on my door, apparently. Totally turned off, I let go of myself.  "I'm changing in here! Don't come in yet." I get a wonderful, but unexpected reply, followed by a giggle. "Why wait?" That voice. Teasing me, flirting with me. Just what I needed to snap back into the reality of the show. I finish changing, and walk over to the door, pulling it open to get a good look at him. Beautiful, as usual. "Because it's perverted not to. Somebody could get the wrong idea about us." He pulls me forward, into his stuffy embrace. "But wouldn't it be the rigghtt idea, TsuTsuuu," he squeezes me tighter before finishing what's on his mind. "after all we've done?" I hush him, and cover up his mouth. Though I couldn't see it, I could feel the smirk grow on his face. I roll my eyes at him dismissively.

"Get a grip, grape boy. We've got a show coming up in," I glance to the clock behind me in my dressing room, "46 minutes. We have no time for your antics." His devious smirk quickly turns into a wide frown. I check the halls with fast turns, just to make sure it was safe, and pull him down to give him a kiss on his head. He stumbles forward, falling into me and leading his head in the perfect spot for me to reach. I leave him his kiss and he pulls himself back up, trying to pick me up with him. "Rui!! No no no, stop!" My heart races. Not because I love him, but because of my fear of heights. Soon enough, I'm up higher than my usual view. I'm not on the ground, though. I panic, and cling onto him. He laughs at me pitifully, and carries me into the dressing room. Slamming the door behind him.

While I'm up so high, I figure it's a great opportunity to check the time. 40 minutes until our show. Eventually, he gives into my freaking out and drops me down slowly. I punch his arm gently and shove him away. At first he doesn't seem to mind, but once again, his heart-wrenching frown tugs on my heart strings. I face him and his distraught face properly and open my arms back up for him to climb into. Instead, I'm taken by surprise with him lifting me, sitting on the small sofa in my dressing room, and setting me on his lap. My brain still takes a minute to process everything that's going on right now. All this excitement is too much for me to even register at the moment. I feel something perk up in my underwear and squeeze his arm tightly.

"Hm? What's the matter, shortie?" Too embarrassed to speak, I close my mouth tight and turn away from him. "..You've got to at least show me the problem." I bite my lip, still facing away from him. I take his hand and gently rub it on my tense spot. I look back at him to see him licking his lips, practically yearning for my dick. I shake my head and rub his hand on myself a bit more, taking advantage of the movement and letting myself feel the pleasure.

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