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❗️; angst warning

"Can you tell me what you wanted to tell me now?" A fear of what he's been keeping makes me anxious creates a chill and that chill creeps it's slimy way down my shaky spine. It leaves me with retched goosebumps. "What? Is that what you randomly pulled me into here for?" he questions. Surprised by his reaction, I jump to defend myself. I declare, "you've had me nervous about it all night! Just tell me already!" I seem to have dug myself a much bigger hole when his fists ball up into themselves, tightening, in like manner to my throat when I feel less oxygen slip in and out of my mouth. Rui struggles to keep his cool against me. I couldn't be one to blame him. I am hard to manage at times.

Rui turns his head away from me and loosens his fists. "The date," I feel him grumble. "The date is why i'm so upset. It was so important to me but to you it felt like nothing, you completely dismissed it. It's like you didn't even care about it! You let Emu and Nene completely destroy the entire idea of our date." Deep down I knew he was right. But I wanted him to think about me, too. "Did it even occur to you that maybe I wasn't ready for such a big thing yet? I mean, our first real date has to be something worthy. I was so scared of screwing up!—" He interrupts me. "—It was important to me." In confusion, I ask him, "what?" One pause between the two of us fills the entire room, creating a void that makes us both feel far apart and much more lonely than what we were.

In desperation to fill the silence, I speak up again. "I know, but!" Rui cuts me off once more with, "Tsukasa, it was important. To ME. I always have to put aside what I want for you! I ALWAYS have to look out for YOU and what YOU'D like! YOU are the CONSTANT star of the show!" Tears were filling in my eyes because of everything he's said but I don't even think my brain had fully processed past him saying my real name yet. I haven't heard that since we first met. Not out of his mouth, at least. The star? I thought it was my duty to be a star, my destiny. I was always his star.

With shiny eyes I burst out of the restroom, grabbing my items and scavaging for anything missing to ensure I won't have to come back. In the event me coming into the room, Emu flew awake and flinched. She yelped and held tighter onto Nene, waking her up too. Emu rubbed her sleepy eyes and followed that up with an exhausted, "Tsu?" I couldn't bare looking at her or Nene or anyone. I just needed to get out of their. Soon after Emus awaken, Rui runs after me and swings his door back open. "Tsu, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry! I should've explained it better! This is my fault, I-"

Before I hear another word out of him, I slam the gift I was planning to give him during our date onto his chest. A small little picture frame including us and the summer sun behind us, a month after we had met. With my booger infested nose I decide to walk the rest of my way home in the rain. I didn't bring my umbrella to his house because honestly I wasn't expecting to be walking home at 4:00AM with early morning drizzle splattering on me. Not only me, but apparently my close pink-haired friend who was following behind me after she had witnessed my exiting.

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