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A yawn escapes from my thin lips. I stretch my arms out, bumping Emu beside me by mistake. I turn to see if the small girl had awoken. She hadn't yet.... Based on the events of last night, Emu's apology gon me referring to our former relationship had made me realized something. Something important.

I rise from my bed and start getting myself ready for the day. As I'm deep within my thoughts, I think back to the group sleepovers we all used to share at Emu's house. A common "headquarters" we'd all meet up for after school or activities. This was before our true fame had hit. Before we were pop stars. Back when we were all just some teenagers aspiring to be such entertainers. But we aren't that anymore. I'm an adult now, and so is Rui. Nene and Emu will be as well soon. Emu showed that all of us have matured farther past what I originally thought. I comb out my hair and switch my clothes into my iconic creamy cardigan which covered my white polo beneath it, tied together with a neat tie and snappy pants. I sit myself down at my vanity.

I had a dream last night, one that is slowly flowing back to me. I was on a ship. In the distance, I could see Rui. Left with his arms draped around a float, presumably passed out. I remember desperately trying to wake him. I shouted but.. nothing had left my mouth. Quite suddenly, a wave— or well, what looked to be more of a tsunami had started forming behind him. A metaphorical lightbulb formed above my head and lit. I rushed into the captain's deck and found the panel board which held the wheel and horn. I blared it, waking Rui. I smiled in relief. My work was yet to be finished. I ran back to the middle deck.

My head turns as I pop a mint into my mouth after hearing the shuffling of Emu. Had she woken? I watch for a few moments longer before questioning myself. "How could I have forgotten?" I thought. I've always known Emu is a relatively crazy sleeper. She's always struggled to have a peaceful rest. I wonder what she's dreaming about. Oh yes, my dream. I hadn't finished telling you about it. Eventually, I had thrown a rope with a weighted ball towards him. He grabs onto it in desperation. I pull, I pull, and I pull harder. My grip starts to loosen as my concern grows, along with the tension of the crashing waves in my ears and loud thunder booming across the reflection of the sea. The boat rocks, forcing me to lose balance. Water splashes onto me. I then start to cry, as I imagine how soaked and cold he must be dipped into the water.

After a long chat with Saki, Emu finally wakes up. I let her know my plan. She gets ready, too. I strut my way out the door with her. We walk to Rui's house, only a few streets away from mine. One or two blocks, at most. The pink-haired optimist chatters to me about a diverse array of topics. I mostly tune her out, trying to think of what my words will be. Sorry, Emu. My plan is important. Last night what a potential end to my relationship, and I need this to be the potential fix. I feel my stomach sink as I walk onto his doorstep, as if I'm about to go onto a rollercoaster. My knuckles knock on his door. Suddenly I hear the loud crashing of waves again. It fills my ears and seeps deep into my head. I hold my breathe involuntarily. Once the door is answered I can finally breath again. Instead of viewing Rui who usually answers pressed against the doorframe with a big grin, It's somebody else.

Our fourth member, Nene. Ah, we had left her here last night too. I relax. Something about Nenes aura, it's just as if you've sniffed in a warm piece of laundry with your favorite scent. Calming. "Hmmn?" I shake my head. "Hey, N—"
"NENEE!!!" Emu pushes me aside and leaps onto Nene, cusping her face with her left hand then kissing the other girls cheek. I smile. They're such a nice sight. I move past them and close the door behind me. As they reunite with a hug, I ask, "Is he awake?"

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