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After the double date, we head to Rui's house. Robot parts scatter the house. We all venture up the creaky cracking stairs, laughing at every small thing. For the first time in about two months our friend group has felt like it used to. Rui walks into his room first, plopping onto his bed with a long groan. I on the other hand shuffle behind the girls and hold the door open for them, bowing at their presence. But not because I really do respect them as royalty. More so because it's the gentlemanly thing to do. After Nene huddles up in the corner of Rui's bed, the corner in his cold gray walls, Emu does the opposite and flows around the room like watercolor on paper. She bounces and dances, livening the room with her energy.

I never really believed in things like 'energy' before I met these people. I always thought it was something silly and made up like ghosts or evil spirits. However, I see the appeal now. I shut the door behind me and stop Emu from breaking all of the important-looking, metal-feeling, cold-to-the-touch parts around Rui's room. I protect them as I would him. I know how special they are to him. I hear everyone's outbursted laughter fade. "Kasa, you've been quiet. Everything alright?" Nene asks. I like how she cares about everyone in the room. She's very quiet herself. I suppose that's why she notices such little changes in people's behavior. "I'm fine!" I yelp, surprised by her asking. I giggle to myself when everyone's looking at me as if they all know I'm lying. Honestly, I'm not! I feel good. "No, really I am. I feel great right now! I'm just up in my head." My boyfriend looks at me with a quizzical face.
"Okkaayy..." he says, unconvinced.

We smile at each other and I come over to him. He allows me to sit on his leg and rest myself. My eyes drop. My sleepiness somehow mixes with a random new lustful taste for his skin that arised after smelling his lavander scented cologne. He loves lavender. I love him. My nose rubs on his pale neck as I lean forward, pressing my tongue up against his neck. At first I feel his vocal chords vibrate his throat then suddenly they stop. I guess he stopped talking because he was getting nervous. He turns his body and whispers in my ear, cupping his hands around his mouth. "I don't want that right now. I have something to talk to you about when the girls fall asleep."

I feel my heart start to race. All I think about for the rest of the night is what he'd want to talk about. Finally the girls start slipping into sleep, relaxed by each others presence and whatever they're watching on Rui's TV while on the top bunk. I cannot shake my worry any more. I take his arm and pull him into the bathroom with me. "Can you tell me now? Can you tell me what you wanted to?"

🏹 authors note ;
mb for the long ass chapter! excited to be back and writing 🫶

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