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When the long drive was over, I almost crashed into Rui's arms. I managed to make it all the way into the house. I opened the door to Saki's room slightly to make sure she was there. And she was there. Asleep, and safe. I shut the door quietly and rub my eyes. Rui takes my hand and leads me to my room, and I shut that door behind me too. He leaps onto my bed, making a big crash on my creaky bed. "Shhhh!" I whisper. I see him mouth, "sorryyy!" I chuckle to myself and crawl onto him. Moonlight shines over us but his arms break through it when he stretches. I take a wiff out of his chest. Lavender. Lavender body wash. I know, because of that time we bathed together. We bathed each other with his lavender body wash.

He plays with my hair and twirls it around his finger. After a while I lift myself further up him, facing down to him. I stare into his eyes and feel a wave of heat go over my face. He glances away, avoiding direct eye contact with me. I lean closer to Rui, forcing myself to accidentally rub against the roughness of his dick. I hear him whimper and feel his swallow. I push further onto it, which makes him cover his face. I gently pry his hand back so I could see his handsome face. The silence in my room was getting uncomfortable. I ask, "do you wanna make a little noise?" I smirk at him and he nods. He sits himself up as I pull off my clothes, ripping my sheer boxers. 

Rui takes off his clothes as well and I climb over him, reaching and straining my short arm over to my side table. He laughs at me and reaches to it himself with ease. By now, he knows where I keep our lube. The right side table, in the back of the top drawer. He pulls it out for me and pours some on his hand. I stretch over to grab it but he lifts it above himself, shaking his head.
"I'll do it, Tsukasa." I sheepishly nod. He puts it on the top of my drawer and breathes in. He grabs his dick and breathes out, relaxing himself. He strokes it up and down, squeezing it softly as to prepare himself. I feel the urge to hit his thigh and yell, "I am not that tight!" But I don't. He looks so relaxed, so immersed. I would hate to break him out of his obvious peace. Instead of hitting his thigh, I rub it. I crawl up on him and rub my dick on his, kissing him and swirling our tongues together. He grabs both of our dicks, stroking mine now, too. I yelp, and cut myself off by pressing my lips back onto his.

He stops stroking, right as the pressure builds.
"Open your legs up," he commands. I spread my legs far and Rui spreads my ass even further. "Oh gosh, ahmn. You idiot." I insult him as to cover up my embarrassment. He rolls his eyes at me and steals some more lube from the bottle and excess from his previous mess, slathering it on and in my ass. "Mmbgh!" Small moans escape me as his fingers make their way in. I grab his face and kiss it before he pushes my body down, making his tip slowly enter me. Carefully not breaking our kiss, mumbles leave our mouths and into the others. He pushes me further down. I break our kiss without thinking, "f-fuck.. Ahh.." "Take it. I know you can, darling." I turn even redder. I push myself down further. After a bit, he bounces me up and down lightly. I wrap my arms around him and cling on. I bite onto his shoulder, nibbling and chewing to keep myself quiet as he speeds up his bouncing, slapping our skin together. Soft clapping fills the air in my room. 

Soon, the claps get louder. Rui's lost in his own world of pleasure, forgetting about how fragile and squeaky my bed is. His rough banging into me makes not only me, but my bed, room, and house shake. I can't keep myself contained, just as he, and let myself go. "Auggh!!! MMhn, Rui, Rui, Rui, Rui!" He looks at me and gives me one last thrust before cumming into me. I cum with him, and all over his body. We end up tired, sticky, sweaty, hot, and happy. He pulls my head forward and kisses me. I sigh afterwards, and we clean each other up. As well as my bed. He pulls me off of himself with care and lays me on the bed. He goes over to my door and presumably locks it so that we don't run into another 'Saki accidentally waking not just me, but both of us' incident. I fake cry and whine with my arms out to indicate I want him to come back to bed. Rui smiles at me and stumbles over, crawling next to me in bed and rolling his body around me. I hold onto him and sleep in his chest, with little area to breathe.

"Goodnight, darling," I hear before falling asleep.

"Goodnight.. Darling."

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