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After a long walk where me and Emu went back and forth about her following me or not, we both make it back to my house. I sigh and twist my doorknob, opening the creaky door and getting sent back to just a few days ago where all this began. When I brought Rui back home, and the next morning when the air smelled of wet tile while he asked me out on a solo-date. I regret not telling him then how I felt, I regret stalling our date time until sundown with the girls, I regret all of it. All of my choices leading up to this have hurt him. That's the least thing I wanted to do. With that thought, I climb up to my stairs with Emu dragging behind me after kicking off her shoes.

"Hey Kasa, slow down. Not so fast!" Hearing Emu talk to me again without pure hatred in my heart for her honestly felt..relaxing. I'd been putting so much energy into forcing myself into hating her that I just don't have any more left to dish out. I respond with a droozy, "alright." Anyone who's been around Emu knows she's comforting. Her sweet aura filling any room, her bright pink hair, the joy she brought to everyone. The love this girl had to give out to all of the world was exceptional. I'm starting to remember why I started this band with her in the first place. Maybe that's where this all goes back instead of just a few days ago.

Emu rambles on and on about things I'm much too tired to care for. Things like ponies, and how Nene thinks that scientifically they can be accomplished within a few years. How this week she learned how to fit her foot inside of her mouth entirely, which I laughed at. I couldn't help it. If Emu knows you personally and what you'll be most shocked at and laugh for, she'll give it all her might. She's the type of person to just wanna make the people around her smile, even if that means it's at her own expense. I find myself becoming slowly more comfortable with her being at my house and in my room. At first I didn't know how to feel about it or if I even wanted her here. But she was, and right now, that's okay.

Originally, I think our topic started about a foot in a mouth? Something of the sort. But as I check back to my clock to see the time, I realize that we'd been talking for over two hours. Seeing how easy it is to swiftly move from topic to topic with Emu was inspiring. She never runs out of any love or fuel. Especially not until whoever she's talking to she's sure is feeling way better. Somehow we went from a foot in a mouth, to the band, to me telling her how I've been struggling, to her telling me the same, to popular American movies, to pop culture in American and comparing it with Japan, then our band. And now I've checked my clock, and it's gone a bit silent for the first time in two hours..That is until she decides to take this opportunity for a long-awaited, slightly-avoided apology.

My eyes were jotting around my room from my clock to the clothes I haven't thrown in the wash to the TV that's been running this whole time. Finally, back to Emu when I hear her sigh. "I'm sorry," she blurts out quicker than I can understand. I ask, "what? I didn't catch that?" She looks away from me and says her sentence in one very long word. "Imsorryforactingthewayididwhenweweretogether." I make out what she said and mutter an "oh." I dart my eyes away and back to her, resting my hand on her knee. "It's okay. Really. I'm over it now. And if anything, tonight makes up for it. I'm sorry for how I acted after our breakup." I try to  think of what to say, but everytime I think of something Emu seems to jump to speak when my mouth opens.

Eventually, me and Emu fall asleep in my bed, sleeping facing opposite ways.

my dear readers !!! 💘
hopefully this chapter makes up for the long pause in the middle of the story ! i didn't mean to keep everyone on a cliffhanger <3 this is page on of a 3 page chapter filled with story and plot development with some nsfw at the end of it to tie it all up together and continue onto the rest of the series ! please enjoy the next few chapters .  next chapter will 100% be here by July 12th !!! make sure to tune in !!!!

don't forget to add me on discord to remind me to write and add more to this story / any other stories i have ! @el.ixir on discord. go friend me ! i will accept .

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