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I yawn, waking up with my idiot boyfriend in my arms. I look up to see his eyes already opened, and him holding his phone behind me, scrolling on some form of social media. I kiss his cheek and receive a kiss on the head in return. "Good morning, darling." I laugh and mock him, "good morning daaarrling!~" He smiles at my fooling around and looks down to me. "Someone's playful today." I nod. "It's a vacation weekend! We can do so much in the next few days. Of course I'm 'playful' right now. I'm excited!" He holds me tighter. "That's great. You can finally stop being so stern for a minute." My jaw opens in shock. "EXCUSE ME!?" 

After a little bit of watching Rui scroll around on his phone, I stretch my limbs. "C'mon, I wanna go downstairs for some breakfast." He groans at me. "Right nooowww?" I respond, "yes, right now." I hop out of bed and tug him off, but instead of catching himself on his feet he lets himself fall to the ground. "Fine! I'll go without you," I tease. "Noo! Wait, okay, I'll go!" By now I'm already out the door and walking to the kitchen, deviously smiling the entire way there as I hear him stomping behind me. "TSSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!"  he screams throughout my home. He grabs my hand and walks with me the rest of the way to the kitchen. When we arrive, we're greeted by Saki, eating cereal. 

"Hello, boys," my sister greets us. "Saki- Ah-- what are you, erm, doing here this late in the afternoon?" Rui stays silent, and so I assume he's too embarrassed to speak.. "Nothin' much.. What about you two?" I feel both our bodies warm up and Rui get his sweaty hand all over mine. "Nothin'.. much..." I awkwardly make my way over to the fridge with him following behind me like a dog. I grab some left over pizza. "I don't like pizza," he utters. "I know my love. It's for me. you'll get your own food." He nods and hugs my waist, resting his chin on my head. I put my two slices in the microwave for 30 seconds. I close the fridge door. "Can you get that oatmeal for me? On the top of the fridge?" I ask shyly. He smiles and gets a packet. I take my slices out at exactly two seconds remaining as usual.

He hands me the packet.
"Some milk, too." He grabs the almond milk from my fridge and passes it to me. I thank him and he holds me once again. I get a purple plastic bowl and pour the uncooked oatmeal into it. Then I eyeball the amount of milk it'll take and pop it all in the microwave. I press the amount of time needed and turn to him to kiss him. "Is that mine?" "Yes my love," I answer. I take a bite out of my pizza and take out the oatmeal at once again, exactly two seconds remaining. I stir the oatmeal with a spoon to make it more consistent and pass the bowl to Rui. He eats from the spoon and smiles. I bite into my pizza more and grab a napkin to wipe my mouth, though theres no mess on my face. After finishing our food, I put our dishes in the sink. I turn to see Saki has disappeared. I sit in a chair and face Rui, holding onto his shirt. 

"What should we do today?" he asks. I reply with a simple, "I don't know." I yawn shortly after and feel myself fall forward a bit. "We coouulld... go on a date?" His suggestion makes my head perk back up. We haven't been on a date in months. We haven't been on a date ALONE with just us together. We've only been on dates with Emu or double dates with Toya and Akito. "Like, just us?" I beg for clarification. "Mhm, yeah. Just us."  I look up at him and nod slowly, agreeing to the idea. "Uah.. yeah, sure. Okay! We'd have to be careful, though." We've gotten quite popular the passing year, so we've avoided the public more considering how crazy fans can get. Especially WXS fans... Rui nods, just once, to let me know he understands. 

🔔 I apologize for the shortness of this chapter!!! I had to pump one out quick since I kept procrastinating writing the rest. More coming soon!!! <3

Stay safe,

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