11.9K 63 206

hello! i am the author, i'm here to go over a few things before you read this.

firstly, i'd like to start off with the improper grammar and writing style you see in this chapter is completely unlike the rest of my writing! the rest of this story i take much more serious with writing and i'm a very avid writer so if you're one to enjoy more complex pieces that feel more like stories then please continue reading!! it'll include much more than just sex between rui and tsukasa as well. it'll have actual plot elements, sacred moments, etc!

if you're here only to trash on my writing, leave. at the time of writing this, tsukasa had been 18. rui was 17! that is a one year difference. while i understand why you would be upset, realistically that is NOT illegal. DO NOT CONTINUE READING IF YOU PLAN TO COMPLAIN THE ENTIRE TIME. i will not read the comments. i will not entertain your hate! rui is also turning 18 later this year, so i will be continuing my stories.

to all the people who aren't fans:
i am well aware you may not like my work, but i really do enjoy writing this and it's a fun takeaway of life for me. constantly hate commenting will change nothing /srs. i don't plan on removing it, ever. you are not wiping anyone out of this fanbase. it is useless doing this. THANK YOU for boosting my webbook so much though ig!!! without you i wouldn't have made it to 49K 🫶 you could say anything and show me all your points on why i'm wrong and shouldn't write this but i will not care! i would like you to keep in mind that 16-17 year olds and above have sex REGULARLY! ITS OK TO HAVE SEX 😭😭 it's normal! stop turning minors having sex with each other into something terrifying.

to all the fans of my story:
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOU SUPPORT! y'all defend my honor with your life, i really do appreciate it. SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO MY BF!! BIGGEST SUPPORTER SINCE DAY ONE OF WRITING THIS. ⚠️MORE OF THIS IS STORY COMING SOON! STAY TUNED!⚠️ emu will not be hated forever 😭😭

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